Package: manynet 1.4.0

James Hollway

manynet: Many Ways to Make, Modify, Map, Mark, and Measure Myriad Networks

Many tools for making, modifying, mapping, marking, measuring, and motifs and memberships of many different types of networks. All functions operate with matrices, edge lists, and 'igraph', 'network', and 'tidygraph' objects, and on one-mode, two-mode (bipartite), and sometimes three-mode networks. The package includes functions for importing and exporting, creating and generating networks, modifying networks and node and tie attributes, and describing and visualizing networks with sensible defaults.

Authors:James Hollway [cre, aut, ctb], Henrique Sposito [ctb], Christian Steglich [ctb]

manynet.pdf |manynet.html
manynet/json (API)

# Install 'manynet' in R:
install.packages('manynet', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • fict_friends - One-mode undirected Friends character scene co-appearances
  • fict_greys - One-mode undirected network of characters hook-ups on Grey's Anatomy TV show
  • fict_lotr - One-mode network of Lord of the Rings character interactions
  • fict_potter - Six complex one-mode support data in Harry Potter books
  • fict_starwars - Seven one-mode Star Wars character interactions
  • fict_thrones - One-mode Game of Thrones kinship
  • irps_911 - One-mode multiplex network of relationships between 9/11 hijackers
  • irps_blogs - One-mode directed network of links between US political blogs
  • irps_books - One-mode undirected network of co-purchased books about US politics on Amazon
  • irps_usgeo - One-mode undirected network of US state contiguity
  • irps_wwi - One-mode signed network of relationships between European major powers
  • ison_adolescents - One-mode subset of the adolescent society network
  • ison_algebra - Multiplex graph object of friends, social, and task ties
  • ison_brandes - One-mode and two-mode centrality demonstration networks
  • ison_dolphins - One-mode, undirected network of frequent associations in a dolphin pod
  • ison_hightech - One-mode multiplex, directed network of managers of a high-tech company
  • ison_karateka - One-mode karateka network
  • ison_koenigsberg - One-mode Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg network
  • ison_laterals - Two-mode projection examples
  • ison_lawfirm - One-mode lawfirm
  • ison_marvel_relationships - Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters
  • ison_marvel_teams - Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters
  • ison_monks - Multiplex network of three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks
  • ison_networkers - One-mode EIES dataset
  • ison_physicians - Four multiplex one-mode physician diffusion data
  • ison_southern_women - Two-mode southern women




6.41 score 13 stars 1 packages 35 scripts 1.1k downloads 493 exports 57 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c5376fb202. Checks:6 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 01 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 01 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 01 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEMar 01 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEMar 01 2025



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Obtain overview of available network datadata_overview table_data
One-mode undirected Friends character scene co-appearances (McNulty, 2020)fict_friends
One-mode undirected network of characters hook-ups on Grey's Anatomy TV showfict_greys
One-mode network of Lord of the Rings character interactionsfict_lotr
Six complex one-mode support data in Harry Potter books (Bossaert and Meidert 2013)fict_potter
Seven one-mode Star Wars character interactions (Gabasova 2016)fict_starwars
One-mode Game of Thrones kinship (Glander 2017)fict_thrones
Adding network glossary itemsclear_glossary gloss glossary print_glossary
One-mode multiplex network of relationships between 9/11 hijackers (Krebs 2002)irps_911
One-mode directed network of links between US political blogs (Adamic and Glance 2005)irps_blogs
One-mode undirected network of co-purchased books about US politics on Amazonirps_books
One-mode undirected network of US state contiguity (Meghanathan 2017)irps_usgeo
One-mode signed network of relationships between European major powers (Antal et al. 2006)irps_wwi
One-mode subset of the adolescent society network (Coleman 1961)ison_adolescents
Multiplex graph object of friends, social, and task ties (McFarland 2001)ison_algebra
One-mode and two-mode centrality demonstration networksison_brandes
One-mode, undirected network of frequent associations in a dolphin pod (Lusseau et al. 2003)ison_dolphins
One-mode multiplex, directed network of managers of a high-tech company (Krackhardt 1987)ison_hightech
One-mode karateka network (Zachary 1977)ison_karateka
One-mode Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg network (Euler 1741)ison_koenigsberg
Two-mode projection examples (Hollway 2021)ison_laterals
One-mode lawfirm (Lazega 2001)ison_lawfirm
Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)ison_marvel ison_marvel_relationships ison_marvel_teams
Multiplex network of three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)ison_monks
One-mode EIES dataset (Freeman and Freeman 1979)ison_networkers
Four multiplex one-mode physician diffusion data (Coleman, Katz, and Menzel, 1966)ison_physicians
Two-mode southern women (Davis, Gardner and Gardner 1941)ison_southern_women
Making networks of package dependenciesmake_cran read_cran
Making networks with defined structurescreate_components create_core create_degree create_empty create_filled create_lattice create_ring create_star create_tree make_create
Making ego networks through interviewingcreate_ego make_ego
Making networks with explicit tiescreate_explicit make_explicit
Making learning models on networksmake_learning play_learning play_segregation
Multilevel, multiplex, multimodal, signed, dynamic or longitudinal changing networksmake_mnet print.mnet print_all
Making motifscreate_motifs make_motifs
Making diffusion models on networksmake_play play_diffusion
Making unconditional and conditional random networksgenerate_configuration generate_man generate_permutation generate_random generate_utilities make_random
Making networks from external filesmake_read read_dynetml read_edgelist read_gml read_graphml read_matrix read_nodelist read_pajek read_ucinet
Making networks with a stochastic elementgenerate_citations generate_fire generate_islands generate_scalefree generate_smallworld make_stochastic
Making networks to external filesmake_write write_edgelist write_graphml write_matrix write_nodelist write_pajek write_ucinet
Modifying network classesas_changelist as_diffnet as_diffusion as_edgelist as_graphAM as_igraph as_matrix as_network as_nodelist as_siena as_tidygraph manip_as
Modifying changes to nodes over timeadd_changes apply_changes collect_changes filter_changes manip_changes mutate_changes select_changes
Node correlationmanip_correlation to_correlation to_cosine
Modifying network formatsmanip_deformat to_simplex to_undirected to_uniplex to_unnamed to_unsigned to_unweighted
Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matricesfrom_egos from_slices from_subgraphs from_ties from_waves manip_from
Modifying network dataadd_info manip_info mutate_net
Modifying network levelsmanip_levels to_multilevel to_onemode to_twomode
Modifying missing tie datamanip_miss na_to_mean na_to_zero
Modifying node dataadd_nodes add_node_attribute bind_node_attributes delete_nodes filter_nodes join_nodes manip_nodes mutate mutate_nodes rename rename_nodes select select_nodes
Modifying networks pathsmanip_paths to_dominating to_eulerian to_matching to_mentoring to_tree
Network permutationmanip_permutation to_permuted
Modifying network formatsmanip_preformat to_named to_signed to_weighted
Modifying networks projectionmanip_project to_mode1 to_mode2 to_ties
Modifying network formatsmanip_reformat to_acyclic to_anti to_directed to_reciprocated to_redirected
Modifying networks scopemanip_scope to_blocks to_ego to_giant to_no_isolates to_subgraph to_time
Splitting networks into listsmanip_split to_components to_egos to_slices to_subgraphs to_waves
Modifying tie dataadd_ties add_tie_attribute arrange_ties bind_ties delete_ties filter_ties join_ties manip_ties mutate_ties rename_ties select_ties summarise_ties
Easily graph networks with sensible defaultsgraphr map_graphr
Easily graph a set of networks with sensible defaultsgraphs map_graphs
Easily animate dynamic networks with sensible defaultsgrapht map_grapht
Layout algorithms based on configurational positionslayout_tbl_graph_configuration layout_tbl_graph_dyad layout_tbl_graph_hexad layout_tbl_graph_pentad layout_tbl_graph_tetrad layout_tbl_graph_triad map_layout_configuration
Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitionslayout_tbl_graph_alluvial layout_tbl_graph_concentric layout_tbl_graph_hierarchy layout_tbl_graph_ladder layout_tbl_graph_lineage layout_tbl_graph_multilevel layout_tbl_graph_railway map_layout_partition
Many palettes generatormany_palettes map_palettes
Many scalesmap_scales scale_color_centres scale_color_ethz scale_color_iheid scale_color_rug scale_color_sdgs scale_color_uzh scale_colour_centres scale_colour_ethz scale_colour_iheid scale_colour_rug scale_colour_sdgs scale_colour_uzh scale_edge_color_centres scale_edge_color_ethz scale_edge_color_iheid scale_edge_color_rug scale_edge_color_sdgs scale_edge_color_uzh scale_edge_colour_centres scale_edge_colour_ethz scale_edge_colour_iheid scale_edge_colour_rug scale_edge_colour_sdgs scale_edge_colour_uzh scale_fill_centres scale_fill_ethz scale_fill_iheid scale_fill_rug scale_fill_sdgs scale_fill_uzh
Many themesmap_themes set_manynet_theme theme_ethz theme_iheid theme_rug theme_uzh
Core-periphery clustering algorithmsmark_core node_coreness node_is_core
Marking nodes based on diffusion propertiesmark_diff node_is_exposed node_is_infected node_is_latent node_is_recovered
Marking networks featuresis_acyclic is_aperiodic is_connected is_eulerian is_perfect_matching mark_features
Marking networks formatsis_attributed is_complex is_directed is_labelled is_multiplex is_signed is_twomode is_uniplex is_weighted mark_format
Marking networks classesis_changing is_dynamic is_edgelist is_graph is_list is_longitudinal is_manynet mark_is
Marking nodes based on structural propertiesmark_nodes node_is_cutpoint node_is_fold node_is_independent node_is_isolate node_is_mentor node_is_neighbor node_is_pendant
Marking nodes for selection based on measuresmark_select node_is_max node_is_mean node_is_min node_is_random
Marking ties for selection based on measuresmark_tie_select tie_is_max tie_is_min tie_is_random
Marking ties based on structural propertiesmark_ties tie_is_bridge tie_is_feedback tie_is_loop tie_is_multiple tie_is_path tie_is_reciprocated
Marking ties based on structural propertiesmark_triangles tie_is_cyclical tie_is_forbidden tie_is_imbalanced tie_is_simmelian tie_is_transitive tie_is_triangular tie_is_triplet
Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a networkmeasure_attributes node_attribute node_is_mode node_names tie_attribute tie_signs tie_weights
Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisationmeasure_central_between net_betweenness node_betweenness node_flow node_induced node_stress tie_betweenness
Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisationmeasure_central_close net_closeness net_harmonic net_reach node_closeness node_distance node_eccentricity node_harmonic node_information node_reach node_vitality tie_closeness
Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisationmeasure_central_degree net_degree net_indegree net_outdegree node_deg node_degree node_indegree node_leverage node_multidegree node_outdegree node_posneg tie_degree
Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisationmeasure_central_eigen net_eigenvector node_alpha node_authority node_eigenvector node_hub node_pagerank node_power tie_eigenvector
Measures of network closuremeasure_closure net_congruency net_equivalency net_reciprocity net_transitivity node_equivalency node_reciprocity node_transitivity
Measures of network cohesion or connectednessmeasure_cohesion net_adhesion net_cohesion net_components net_density net_diameter net_independence net_length net_strength net_toughness
Measures of network infectionmeasure_diffusion_infection net_infection_complete net_infection_peak net_infection_total
Measures of network diffusionmeasure_diffusion_net net_immunity net_recovery net_reproduction net_transmissibility
Measures of nodes in a diffusionmeasure_diffusion_node node_adoption_time node_exposure node_recovery node_thresholds
Measures of network topological featuresmeasure_features net_balance net_core net_factions net_modularity net_richclub net_scalefree net_smallworld
Measures of network diversitymeasure_heterogeneity net_assortativity net_diversity net_heterophily net_richness net_spatial node_diversity node_heterophily node_richness
Graph theoretic dimensions of hierarchymeasure_hierarchy net_connectedness net_efficiency net_upperbound
Measures of structural holesmeasure_holes node_bridges node_constraint node_efficiency node_effsize node_hierarchy node_neighbours_degree node_redundancy tie_cohesion
Measures of network changemeasure_periods net_change net_correlation net_stability net_waves
Describing network propertiesmeasure_properties net_dims net_nodes net_node_attributes net_ties net_tie_attributes
Memberships of brokeragemember_brokerage node_in_brokering
Clique partitioning algorithmsmember_cliques node_in_roulette
Hierarchical community partitioning algorithmsmember_community_hier node_in_betweenness node_in_eigen node_in_greedy node_in_walktrap
Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithmsmember_community_non node_in_community node_in_fluid node_in_infomap node_in_leiden node_in_louvain node_in_optimal node_in_partition node_in_spinglass
Component partitioning algorithmsmember_components node_in_component node_in_strong node_in_weak
Membership of nodes in a diffusionmember_diffusion node_in_adopter
Equivalence clustering algorithmsmember_equivalence node_in_automorphic node_in_equivalence node_in_regular node_in_structural
Methods for equivalence clusteringcluster_concor cluster_cosine cluster_hierarchical model_cluster
Methods for selecting clustersk_elbow k_silhouette k_strict model_kselect
Motifs of brokeragemotif_brokerage net_by_brokerage node_brokering_activity node_brokering_exclusivity node_by_brokerage
Motifs of diffusionmotif_diffusion net_by_hazard node_by_exposure
Motifs at the network levelmotif_net net_by_dyad net_by_mixed net_by_tetrad net_by_triad
Motifs at the nodal levelmotif_node node_by_dyad node_by_path node_by_tetrad node_by_tie node_by_triad
Open and extract code from tutorialsextract_tute run_tute tutorials