1. ERPM::estimation
    Exemplary outcome objects for the ERPM Package
  2. goldfish::actors
    Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
  3. goldfish::bilatchanges
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  4. goldfish::bilatnet
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
    matrix|154 x 154
  5. goldfish::calls
    Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
  6. goldfish::contigchanges
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  7. goldfish::contignet
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
    matrix|154 x 154
  8. goldfish::friendship
    Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
  9. goldfish::gdpchanges
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  10. goldfish::known.before
    RFID Validity dataset
  11. goldfish::participants
    RFID Validity dataset
  12. goldfish::regchanges
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  13. goldfish::rfid
    RFID Validity dataset
  14. goldfish::sovchanges
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  15. goldfish::states
    International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
  16. goldfish::video
    RFID Validity dataset
  17. manynet::fict_friends
    One-mode undirected Friends character scene co-appearances (McNulty, 2020)
  18. manynet::fict_greys
    One-mode undirected network of characters hook-ups on Grey's Anatomy TV show
  19. manynet::fict_lotr
    One-mode network of Lord of the Rings character interactions
  20. manynet::fict_potter
    Six complex one-mode support data in Harry Potter books (Bossaert and Meidert 2013)
  21. manynet::fict_starwars
    Seven one-mode Star Wars character interactions (Gabasova 2016)
  22. manynet::fict_thrones
    One-mode Game of Thrones kinship (Glander 2017)
  23. manynet::irps_911
    One-mode multiplex network of relationships between 9/11 hijackers (Krebs 2002)
  24. manynet::irps_blogs
    One-mode directed network of links between US political blogs (Adamic and Glance 2005)
  25. manynet::irps_books
    One-mode undirected network of co-purchased books about US politics on Amazon
  26. manynet::irps_usgeo
    One-mode undirected network of US state contiguity (Meghanathan 2017)
  27. manynet::irps_wwi
    One-mode signed network of relationships between European major powers (Antal et al. 2006)
  28. manynet::ison_adolescents
    One-mode subset of the adolescent society network (Coleman 1961)
  29. manynet::ison_algebra
    Multiplex graph object of friends, social, and task ties (McFarland 2001)
  30. manynet::ison_brandes
    One-mode and two-mode centrality demonstration networks
  31. manynet::ison_dolphins
    One-mode, undirected network of frequent associations in a dolphin pod (Lusseau et al. 2003)
  32. manynet::ison_hightech
    One-mode multiplex, directed network of managers of a high-tech company (Krackhardt 1987)
  33. manynet::ison_karateka
    One-mode karateka network (Zachary 1977)
  34. manynet::ison_koenigsberg
    One-mode Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg network (Euler 1741)
  35. manynet::ison_laterals
    Two-mode projection examples (Hollway 2021)
  36. manynet::ison_lawfirm
    One-mode lawfirm (Lazega 2001)
  37. manynet::ison_marvel_relationships
    Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)
  38. manynet::ison_marvel_teams
    Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)
  39. manynet::ison_monks
    Multiplex network of three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
  40. manynet::ison_networkers
    One-mode EIES dataset (Freeman and Freeman 1979)
  41. manynet::ison_physicians
    Four multiplex one-mode physician diffusion data (Coleman, Katz, and Menzel, 1966)
  42. manynet::ison_southern_women
    Two-mode southern women (Davis, Gardner and Gardner 1941)
  43. migraph::mpn_DE_1990
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  44. migraph::mpn_DE_2008
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  45. migraph::mpn_IT_1990
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  46. migraph::mpn_IT_2008
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  47. migraph::mpn_UK_1990
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  48. migraph::mpn_UK_2008
    Two-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
  49. migraph::mpn_bristol
    Multimodal (3) Bristol protest events, 1990-2002 (Diani and Bison 2004)
  50. migraph::mpn_cow_igo
    One-mode interstate trade relations and two-mode state membership in IGOs (COW)
  51. migraph::mpn_cow_trade
    One-mode interstate trade relations and two-mode state membership in IGOs (COW)
  52. migraph::mpn_elite_mex
    One-mode Mexican power elite database (Knoke 1990)
  53. migraph::mpn_elite_usa_advice
    Two-mode and three-mode American power elite database (Domhoff 2016)
  54. migraph::mpn_elite_usa_money
    Two-mode and three-mode American power elite database (Domhoff 2016)
  55. migraph::mpn_ryanair
    One-mode EU policy influence network, June 2004 (Christopoulos 2006)
  56. migraph::mpn_senate_dem
    Two-mode 112th Congress Senate Voting (Knoke et al. 2021)
  57. migraph::mpn_senate_over
    Two-mode 112th Congress Senate Voting (Knoke et al. 2021)
  58. migraph::mpn_senate_rep
    Two-mode 112th Congress Senate Voting (Knoke et al. 2021)
  59. RSiena::HN3401
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|45 x 45
  60. RSiena::HN3403
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|37 x 37
  61. RSiena::HN3404
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|33 x 33
  62. RSiena::HN3406
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|36 x 36
  63. RSiena::N3401
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|45 x 45
  64. RSiena::N3403
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|37 x 37
  65. RSiena::N3404
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|33 x 33
  66. RSiena::N3406
    Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.
    matrix|36 x 36
  67. RSiena::allEffects
    Internal data frame used to construct effect objects.
  68. RSiena::s501
    Network 1 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.
    matrix|50 x 50
  69. RSiena::s502
    Network 2 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.
    matrix|50 x 50
  70. RSiena::s503
    Network 3 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.
    matrix|50 x 50
  71. RSiena::s50a
    Alcohol use data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data
  72. RSiena::s50s
    Smoking data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data
  73. RSiena::tmp3
    van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 3
    matrix|32 x 32
  74. RSiena::tmp4
    van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 4
    matrix|32 x 32