Package 'RSiena'

Title: Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
Description: The main purpose of this package is to perform simulation-based estimation of stochastic actor-oriented models for longitudinal network data collected as panel data. Dependent variables can be single or multivariate networks, which can be directed, non-directed, or two-mode; and associated actor variables. There are also functions for testing parameters and checking goodness of fit. An overview of these models is given in Snijders (2017), <doi:10.1146/annurev-statistics-060116-054035>.
Authors: Tom A.B. Snijders [cre, aut] , Ruth M. Ripley [aut], Krists Boitmanis [aut, ctb], Christian Steglich [aut, ctb] , Johan Koskinen [ctb] , Nynke M.D. Niezink [aut, ctb] , Viviana Amati [aut, ctb] , Christoph Stadtfeld [ctb] , James Hollway [ctb] (IHEID, <>), Per Block [ctb] , Robert Krause [ctb] , Charlotte Greenan [ctb], Josh Lospinoso [ctb], Michael Schweinberger [ctb] , Mark Huisman [ctb] , Felix Schoenenberger [aut, ctb], Mark Ortmann [ctb], Marion Hoffman [ctb] , Robert Hellpap [ctb], Alvaro Uzaheta [ctb] , Steffen Triebel [ctb]
Maintainer: Tom A.B. Snijders <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Version: 1.4.21
Built: 2025-01-14 18:41:53 UTC

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Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis


Fits statistical models to longitudinal sets of networks, and to longitudinal sets of networks and behavioral variables. Not only one-mode networks but also two-mode networks and multivariate networks are allowed. The models are stochastic actor-oriented models, described in Snijders (2017).

Recent versions of the package are distributed through GitHub, see

Bug reports can be submitted at


The main flow of operations of this package is as follows.

Data objects can be created from matrices and vectors using sienaDependent, coCovar, varCovar, coDyadCovar, etc., and finally sienaDataCreate.

Effects are selected using an sienaEffects object, which can be created using getEffects and may be further specified by includeEffects, setEffect, and includeInteraction.

Control of the estimation algorithm requires a sienaAlgorithm object that defines the settings (parameters) of the algorithm, and which can be created by sienaAlgorithmCreate.

Function siena07 is used to fit a model. Function sienaGOF can be used for studying goodness of fit.

A general introduction to the method is available in the tutorial paper Snijders, van de Bunt, and Steglich (2010). Next to the help pages, more detailed help is available in the manual (see below) and a lot of information is at the website (also see below).

Package: RSiena
Type: Package
Version: 1.4.21
Date: 2024-12-12
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: Matrix, lattice, parallel, MASS, methods, xtable
Suggests: network, tools, codetools, tcltk
SystemRequirements: GNU make
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
LazyData: yes
NeedsCompilation: yes
BuildResaveData: no


Ruth Ripley, Krists Boitmanis, Tom Snijders, Felix Schoenenberger, Nynke Niezink, Christian Steglich, Viviana Amati. Contributions by Josh Lospinoso, Charlotte Greenan, Johan Koskinen, Mark Ortmann, Natalie Indlekofer, Mark Huisman, Christoph Stadtfeld, Per Block, Marion Hoffman, Michael Schweinberger, Robert Hellpap, Alvaro Uzaheta, Robert Krause, James Hollway, and Steffen Triebel.

Maintainer: Tom A.B. Snijders <[email protected]>


Amati, V., Schoenenberger, F., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2015), Estimation of stochastic actor-oriented models for the evolution of networks by generalized method of moments. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique 156, 140–165.

Amati, V., Schoenenberger, F., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2019), Contemporaneous statistics for estimation in stochastic actor-oriented co-evolution models. Psychometrika 84, 1068–1096.

Greenan, C. (2015), Evolving Social Network Analysis: developments in statistical methodology for dynamic stochastic actor-oriented models. DPhil dissertation, University of Oxford.

Niezink, N.M.D., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2017), Co-evolution of Social Networks and Continuous Actor Attributes. The Annals of Applied Statistics 11, 1948–1973.

Schweinberger, M., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2007), Markov models for digraph panel data: Monte Carlo based derivative estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51, 4465–4483.

Snijders, T.A.B. (2001), The statistical evaluation of social network dynamics. Sociological Methodology 31, 361–395.

Snijders, T.A.B. (2017), Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for Network Dynamics. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 4, 343–363.

Snijders, T.A.B., Koskinen, J., and Schweinberger, M. (2010). Maximum likelihood estimation for social network dynamics. Annals of Applied Statistics 4, 567–588.

Snijders, T.A.B., Steglich, C.E.G., and Schweinberger, Michael (2007), Modeling the co-evolution of networks and behavior. Pp. 41–71 in Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences, edited by van Montfort, K., Oud, H., and Satorra, A.; Lawrence Erlbaum.

Steglich, C.E.G., Snijders, T.A.B., and Pearson, M.A. (2010), Dynamic networks and behavior: Separating selection from influence. Sociological Methodology 40, 329–393. Information about the implementation of the algorithm is in

Further see and

See Also



mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=3, n3=200)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)

Internal data frame used to construct effect objects.


This data frame is used internally to construct effect objects.




A data frame with values for the following 23 variables.


a character vector


a character vector


a character vector


a character vector


a logical vector


a character vector


a character vector


a character vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a character vector, default ","


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a character vector


a character vector


a character vector


a numeric vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a logical vector


a character vector


a logical vector


Settings name: ” (no settings), 'primary', 'universal' or the name of the defining covariate.


Used to define effects. Not for general user use.



Function to create a constant covariate object


This function creates a constant covariate object from a vector.


coCovar(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSet="Actors", warn=TRUE, imputationValues=NULL)



Vector of covariate values


Boolean: if TRUE, then the mean value is subtracted.


Name of node set: character string. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must be specified in all data objects.


Logical: is a warning given if all values are NA, or all non-missing values are the same.


Vector of covariate values of same length as val, to be used for imputation of NA values (if any) in val. Must not contain any NA.


When part of a Siena data object, the covariate is associated with the node set nodeSet of the Siena data object. In practice, the node set needs to be specified only in the case of the use of the covariate with a two-mode network.
If there are any NA values in val, and imputationValues is given, then the corresponding elements of imputationValues are used for imputation. If imputationValues is NULL, imputation is by the mean value. In both cases, cases with imputed values are not used for calculating target statistics (see the manual).


Returns the covariate as an object of class "coCovar", in which form it can be used as an argument to sienaDataCreate.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDataCreate, varCovar, coDyadCovar, varDyadCovar, sienaNodeSet


myconstCovar <- coCovar(s50a[,1])
senders <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="senders")
receivers <- sienaNodeSet(30, nodeSetName="receivers")
senders.attribute <- coCovar(rep(1:10, each=5), nodeSet="senders")
receivers.attribute <- coCovar(rep(1:5, each=6), nodeSet="receivers")

Function to create a constant dyadic covariate object.


This function creates a constant dyadic covariate object from a matrix.


coDyadCovar(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSets=c("Actors", "Actors"),
     warn=TRUE, sparse=inherits(val,"TsparseMatrix"), type=c("oneMode", "bipartite"))



Matrix of covariate values. May be sparse, of type "TsparseMatrix".


Boolean: if TRUE, then the mean value is subtracted.


The name of the node sets with which this covariate is associated. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must be specified in all data objects.


Logical: is a warning given if all values are NA, or all non-missing values are the same.


Boolean: whether a sparse matrix or not.


oneMode or bipartite: whether the matrix refers to a one-mode or a bipartite (two-mode) network.


When part of a Siena data object, the covariate is assumed to be associated with the node sets named in nodeSets of the Siena data object. The name of the associated node sets will only be checked when the Siena data object is created.


Returns the covariate as an object of class "coDyadCovar", in which form it can be used as an argument to sienaDataCreate.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDataCreate, varDyadCovar, coCovar, varCovar


mydyadvar <- coDyadCovar(s503)

Allow editing of a sienaEffects object if a gui is available.


Interactive editor for an effects object. A wrapper to


## S3 method for class 'sienaEffects'
edit(name, ...)



An object of class sienaEffects


For extra arguments (none used at present)


Will be invoked by fix(name) for an object of class sienaEffects.


The updated object. There is no backup copy, and the edits cannot be undone.


Ruth Ripley



See Also



mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mycovar <- coCovar(rnorm(50))
mydyadcovar <- coDyadCovar(matrix(as.numeric(rnorm(2500) > 2), nrow=50))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh, mycovar, mydyadcovar)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Function to create a table of documentation of effect names, short names etc.


Produces a table of the shortnames and other information for effects, either in html or latex.


effectsDocumentation(effects = NULL, type = "html", display = (type=="html"),
     filename = ifelse(is.null(effects), "effects", deparse(substitute(effects))))



A Siena effects object, or NULL.


Type of output required. Valid options are "html" or "latex".


Boolean: should the output be displayed after creation. Only applicable to html output.


Character string denoting file name.


If effects=NULL, the allEffects object is written to a table, either latex or html. This table presents all the available effects present in this version of RSiena, not delimited by a particular data set. The default file name is "effects.tex" or "effects.html", respectively.

The table lists all effects, with their name, shortName, whether an endowment (and creation) effect exists, the value of an effect parameter - if any -, and the interactionType (which can be empty or: "ego" or "dyadic" for dependent network variables; "OK" for dependent behavior variables). The latter is important for knowing how the effects can be used in interaction effects. (See includeInteraction).

If an existing effects object is specified for effects, then all available effects in this effects object are listed. This table lists the name (i.e., dependent variable), effect name, shortName, type (rate/evaluation/endowment/creation), the variables defined as interaction1 and interaction2 (see includeEffects) that specify this effect, the value of an effect parameter - if any -, and the interactionType.
The GMoM effects, which are those with type=gmm, are listed at the end. For these, the distinction between the fields name and interaction1, referring to the dependent and the explanatory roles of the variables, has no meaning.
The default root file name is the name of the input effects object.


Nothing returned. Output files are created in the current working directory.


Ruth Ripley, Tom A.B. Snijders



See Also

getEffects, includeEffects, summary.sienaEffects, includeInteraction.


## Not run: effectsDocumentation()

Plot function for a list of sienaFit objects


Draws a funnel plot for a list of sienaFit objects that all have estimated the same parameter.


funnelPlot(anslist, k, threshold=NULL, origin=TRUE,
           plotAboveThreshold=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...)



A list of object of class sienaFit.


The number of the parameter to be plotted.


threshold for standard errors: all estimations where the standard error for parameter k is larger than this threshold will be disregarded.


Boolean: whether to include the origin in the plot, if all estimates have the same sign.


Boolean: whether to include the estimates for which the standard error is larger than threshold, and plot them with an asterisk at se=threshold.


Boolean: whether to report in the console all estimates omitted, because either their standard error is larger than threshold, or they were fixed.


For extra arguments (passed to plot).


The function funnelPlot plots estimates against standard errors for a given effect k, with red reference lines added at the two-sided significance threshold 0.05. Effects for which a score test was requested are not plotted (and reported to the console if verbose).
If not all effects with number k are the same in all sienaFit objects, a warning is given. The effect name for the first object is used as the plot title.
Another funnel plot is available as print.sienaMeta.


The two-column matrix of values of the plotted points is invisibly returned.


Tom Snijders

See Also

siena08, print.sienaMeta


# A meta-analysis for three groups does not make much sense.
# But using three groups shows the idea.

Group1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
Group3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3403, HN3403), dim=c(37, 37, 2)))
Group4 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3404, HN3404), dim=c(33, 33, 2)))
dataset.1 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group1)
dataset.3 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group3)
dataset.4 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group4)
OneAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = NULL, nsub=1, n3=50, seed=123)
effects.1 <- getEffects(dataset.1)
effects.3 <- getEffects(dataset.3)
effects.4 <- getEffects(dataset.4)
ans.1 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.1, effects=effects.1, batch=TRUE)
ans.3 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.3, effects=effects.3, batch=TRUE)
ans.4 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.4, effects=effects.4, batch=TRUE)
funnelPlot(list(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4), k=2)
funnelPlot(list(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4), k=2, origin=FALSE)

Function to create a Siena effects object


Creates a basic list of effects for all dependent variables in the input siena object.


getEffects(x, nintn = 10, behNintn=4, getDocumentation=FALSE, onePeriodSde=FALSE)



an object of class 'siena" or 'sienaGroup"


Number of user-defined network interactions that can later be created.


Number of user-defined behavior interactions that can later be created.


Flag to allow documentation of internal functions, not for use by users.


Flag to indicate that the stochastic differential equation (SDE) model dZ(t) = [aZ(t) + b] dt + g dW(t) should be used, instead of the regular SDE with a scale parameter. This is only relevant in case the model includes a continuous dependent variable and one period is studied.


Creates a data frame of effects for use in siena model estimation. The regular way of changing this object is by the functions includeEffects, setEffect, and includeInteraction.

Note that the class of the return object may be lost if the data.frame is edited using fix. See fix and


An object of class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects: this is a data frame of which the rows are the effects available for data set x.
The effects object consists of consecutive parts, each of which relates to one dependent variable in the input object. The columns are:


name of the dependent variable


name of the effect


name of the function


short name for the effect


second variable to define the effect, if any


third variable to define the effect, if any


"eval", "endow", "creation", "rate", or "gmm"


boolean: whether a basic rate parameter


boolean: include in the model to be fitted or not


boolean: random or fixed effect. Currently not used.


boolean: fix parameter value or not


boolean: test parameter value or not


comma separated list of periods, or "all", or "," for none – which time dummy interacted parameters should be included?


starting value for estimation, also used for fix and test.


internal effect parameter values


"objective" or "rate"


period for basic rate parameters


"Structural", "covariate", "diffusion"


Used to store initial values which could be trimmed


Used to indicate effect number in user-specified interactions


Used to indicate effect number in user-specified interactions


Used to indicate effect number in user-specified interactions


Defines "dyadic" or "ego" or "OK" effects, used in includeInteraction


whether a local effect; used for the option localML in sienaAlgorithmCreate


here NULL, but could be replaced by a function later


here NULL, but could be replaced by a function later


Type of dependent variable: "oneMode", "behavior", or "bipartite"


name of relevant group data object


sequential number of relevant group data object in total


the sequence number of the row

The combination of name, shortName, interaction1, interaction2, and type uniquely identifies any effect other than basic rate effects and user-specified interaction effects. For the latter, effect1, effect2 and effect3 are also required for the identification. The combination name, shortName, period and group uniquely identifies a basic rate effect.

The columns not used for identifying the effect define how the effect is used for the estimation.

The columns initialValue and parm should not be confused: initialValue gives the initial value for the parameter to be estimated, indicated in the manual by theta; parm gives the internal value of the parameter defining the effect, indicated in the manual (Chapter 12) by p, and is fixed during the estimation.

Note that if an effects object is printed by print(...), by default only the included rows are printed.

A list of all effects in a given effects object (e.g., myeff), including their names of dependent variables, effect names, short names, and values of interaction1 and interaction2 (if any), is obtained by executing effectsDocumentation(myeff).

As from version 1.3.24, effects object have a "version" attribute. Effects objects including interaction effects created by includeInteraction are not necessarily compatible between versions of RSiena. Therefore it is recommended, for effects objects including any interaction effects, to create them again when changing to a new version of RSiena. If an effects object including any interaction effects is used from an old version of RSiena, this will lead to a warning when running siena07.


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders



See Also

sienaDataCreate, sienaGroupCreate, includeEffects, setEffect, includeGMoMStatistics, updateSpecification, print.sienaEffects, effectsDocumentation


mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mycovar <- coCovar(rnorm(50))
mydyadcovar <- coDyadCovar(matrix(as.numeric(rnorm(2500) > 2), nrow=50))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh, mycovar, mydyadcovar)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)

Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.


Matrices N3401, N3403, N3404, N3406, and HN3401, HN3403, HN3404, HN3406 are two waves of networks for four schools (numbered 1, 3, 4, 6).


Adjacency matrices for the network at two time points. The matrices with name N... are the first wave, those with name HN... are the second wave.

There is a tie from pupil i to pupil j if i says that he/she receives and/or gives emotional support from/to pupil j. The data are part of a larger data set (see source below) and were collected under the direction of Chris Baerveldt.



Houtzager, B. and Baerveldt, C. (1999), Just like Normal. A Social Network Study of the Relation between Petty Crime and the Intimacy of Adolescent Friendships. Social Behavior and Personality 27, 177–192.

Snijders, T.A.B., and Baerveldt, C. (2003), A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 123–151.



mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet)

Function to include effects in a Siena model


This function can be used for model specification by modifying a Siena effects object.


includeEffects(myeff, ..., include = TRUE, name = myeff$name[1], type = "eval",
 interaction1 = "", interaction2 = "", fix=FALSE, test=FALSE, character=FALSE,
 verbose = TRUE)



a Siena effects object as created by getEffects


short names to identify the effects which should be included or excluded.


Boolean. default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an effect.


Name of dependent variable (network or behavior) for which effects are being included. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Type of effects to be included: "eval", "endow", "creation", or "rate".


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Boolean. Are the effects to be fixed at the value stored in myeff$initialValue or not.


Boolean. Are the effects to be tested or not (requires fix).


Boolean: are the effect names character strings or not.


Boolean: should the print of altered effects be produced.


Recall from the help page for getEffects that a Siena effects object (class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects) is a data.frame; the rows in the data frame are the effects for this data set; some of the columns/variables of the data frame are used to identify the effect, other columns/variables define how this effect is used in the estimation.

The function includeEffects operates as an interface setting the "include" column on selected rows of the effects object, to the value requested (TRUE or FALSE). The selected effects must be indicated by the arguments ..., type, and (if necessary) interaction1 and interaction2. The names interaction1 and interaction2 do not refer to interactions between effects, but to dependence of effects on other variables in the data set. The arguments should identify the effects completely.
The short names must not be set between quotes, unless you use character=TRUE.

Note that the internal effect parameter has a default value which differs between effects. This can be set by function setEffect. Also the value of myeff$initialValue can be set by this function. The function setEffect operates on the effects object in a more detailed way, but applies to one effect at the time.

Further information about Siena effects objects is given in the help page for getEffects.

A list of all effects available in a given effects object (e.g., myeff), including their names of dependent variables, effect names, short names, and values of interaction1 and interaction2 (if any), is obtained by executing effectsDocumentation(myeff).

The input names interaction1 and interaction2 do not themselves refer to created interactions, but to dependence of the base effects on other variables in the data set. They are used to completely identify the effects.


An updated version of the input effects object, with the include, test, and fix columns for one or more rows updated. Details of the rows altered will be printed.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

getEffects, setEffect, includeInteraction, includeGMoMStatistics, updateSpecification, print.sienaEffects, effectsDocumentation


mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh  <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, avAlt, name="mybeh", interaction1="mynet1")

Function to include GMoM statistics in a Siena model


This function can be used for including one or more GMoM statistics by modifying a Siena effects object.


includeGMoMStatistics(myeff, ..., include=TRUE, name=myeff$name[1],
                        interaction1="", interaction2="",
                        character=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)



a Siena effects object as created by getEffects


short names to identify the GMoM statistics which should be included or excluded.


Boolean; default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an effect.


Name of dependent variable (network or behavior) for which statistics are being included. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Boolean: are the statistic names character strings or not.


Boolean: should the print of altered statistic be produced.


The names interaction1 and interaction2 refer to the dependence of the GMoM statistics on other variables in the data set. The arguments should identify the GMoM statistic completely. The type does not have to be specified, as it is gmm for all GMoM statistiscs in the effects object.
The short names must not be set between quotes, unless you use character=TRUE.

The function includeGMoMStatistics operates as an interface setting the "include" column on selected rows of the effects object, to the value requested (TRUE or FALSE).


An updated version of the input effects object, with the include column for one or more rows updated. Details of the rows altered will be printed.


Viviana Amati.



See Also

getEffects, includeEffects, setEffect, includeInteraction, print.sienaEffects


mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
  mybeh  <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
  mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh)
  myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
  myeff <- includeGMoMStatistics(myeff, egoX_gmm, interaction1="mybeh")

Function to create user-specified interactions for a Siena model.


This function allows the user to include or exclude an interaction effect in a Siena effects object.


includeInteraction(myeff, ..., include = TRUE, name = myeff$name[1],
    type = "eval", interaction1 = rep("", 3), interaction2 = rep("", 3),
    fix=FALSE, test=FALSE, random=FALSE,
    character = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



a Siena effects object as created by getEffects, which is either an object of class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects.


2 or 3 shortNames to identify the effects which should be interacted.


Boolean. default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an interaction.


Name of dependent variable (network or behavior) for which interactions are being defined. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Type of effects to be interacted.


Vector of Siena objects where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name. Trailing blanks may be omitted.


Vector of Siena objects where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name. Trailing blanks may be omitted.


Boolean. Are the effects to be fixed at the value stored in myeff$initialValue or not.


Boolean. Are the effects to be tested or not (requires fix).


For specifying that the interaction effect will vary randomly; not relevant for RSiena at this moment. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


Initial value for estimation. Default 0.


Boolean: are the effect names character strings or not.


Boolean: should the print of altered effects be produced.


The details provided should uniquely identify two or three effects. If so, an interaction effect will be created and included or not in the model.
Whether interactions between two or three given effects can be created depends on their interactionType (which can be, for dependent network variables, empty, ego, or dyadic; and for dependent behavioral variables, empty or OK). Consult the section on Interaction Effects in the manual for this. The interactionType is shown in the list of effects obtained from the function effectsDocumentation.
The short names must not be set between quotes, unless you use character=TRUE.
From the point of view of model building it is usually advisable, when including an interaction effect in a model, also to include the corresponding main effects. This is however not enforced by includeInteraction.

As from version 1.3.24, effects object have a "version" attribute. Effects objects including interaction effects are not necessarily compatible between versions of RSiena. Therefore it is recommended to create such effects objects again when changing to a new version of RSiena. If an effects object including any interaction effects is used from an old version of RSiena, this will lead to a warning when running siena07.

An interaction effect does not have its own internal effect parameter. The internal effect parameters of the interacting main effects are used, whether or not these are included in the model. This implies that if an interaction effect is included but not the corresponding main effects, or not all of them, then nevertheless the internal effect parameters as specified in the effects object are used for the interaction. These can be set using function setEffect with the desired value of parameter and (in this case) include=FALSE or fix=TRUE, initialValue=0.
If an internal effect parameter is changed for one of the main effects after the last call of includeInteraction for a given interaction effect, this will not be visible in the name of the interaction effect when the effects object is printed. However, the correct value of the internal effect parameter will be used by siena07.
The values of the internal effect parameters can be checked for a sienaFit object ans produced by siena07 by looking at ans$effects, which is the requested effects object to which the main effects of the user-defined interactions were added, if they were not included.

Interaction effects are constructed from effects with shortName unspInt (for networks), behUnspInt (for discrete behavior), and contUnspInt (for continuous behavior) by specifying their elements effect1 and effect2, and possibly effect3. The shortName is not altered by this function.

The number of possible user-specified interaction effects is limited by the parameters nintn (for dependent network variables) and behNintn (for dependent behavior variables) in the call of getEffects, which determine the numbers of effects with shortNames unspInt, behUnspInt, and contUnspInt (for the latter two, the maximum is behNintn each).

The input names interaction1 and interaction2, which are vectors as indicated above, do not themselves refer to created interactions, but to dependence of the base effects on other variables in the data set. They are used to completely identify the effects.
The first element of these vectors applies to the first shortName, the second to the second, and if ... contains 3 shortNames, the third to the third. See the list of examples below for the interaction between recip and simX for an example.

Further information about Siena effects objects is given in the help page for getEffects.

A list of all effects in a given effects object (e.g., myeff), including their names of dependent variables, effect names, short names, and values of interaction1 and interaction2 (if any), is obtained by executing effectsDocumentation(myeff).


An updated version of the input effects object; if include, containing the interaction effect between "effect1" and "effect2" and possibly "effect3"; if not, without this interaction effect. The shortName of the interaction effect is "unspInt" for network effects, "behUnspInt" for discrete behavior effects, and "contUnspInt" for continuous behavior effects.
If verbose=TRUE, the interacting effects and the interaction effect will be printed, with their row numbers in the effects object.


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders



See Also

getEffects, setEffect, includeEffects, effectsDocumentation


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
alc <- varCovar(s50a)
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, alc)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, recip, inPop)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, altX, simX, interaction1="alc")
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, recip, simX, interaction1=c("", "alc"))
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, gwespFF, parameter=20)
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, recip, gwespFF)
(myeff <- setEffect(myeff, gwespFF, parameter=69, include=FALSE))
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, recip, gwespFF)

Function to include time dummy effects in a Siena model


This function specifies time heterogeneity for selected effects in a Siena model, by interacting them with time dummies, without explicitly using time-dependent covariates.


includeTimeDummy(myeff, ..., timeDummy="all", name=myeff$name[1], type="eval",
              interaction1="", interaction2="", include=TRUE, character=FALSE)



A Siena effects object as created by getEffects.


Short names to identify the effects for which interactions with time dummies should be included or excluded. This function cannot be used for regular interaction effects.


Character string. Either "all" or the periods for which to create dummies (from 1 to (number of waves - 1)), space delimited.


Boolean. default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an effect.


Name of dependent network or behavioral variable for which effects are being included. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Type of dummy effects to be interacted.


Name of variable where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Name of variable where needed to completely identify the effects e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Boolean: are the effect names character strings or not


The arguments (..., name, interaction1, interaction2) should identify the effects completely. See includeEffects and effectsDocumentation for more information about this.

This function operates by setting the timeDummy column on selected rows of a Siena effects object, thereby specifying interactions of the specified effect or effects with dummy variables for the specified periods. The timeDummy column of myeff will be set to include the values requested if include=TRUE, and to exclude them for include=FALSE.

For an effects object in which the timeDummy column of some of the included effects includes some or all period numbers, interactions of those effects with ego effects of time dummies for the indicated periods will also be estimated by siena07. For the outdegree effect this is just the ego effect of the time dummies. If ... does not include the outdegree effect, then still this ego effect will be created, but its parameter will be fixed to 0.

An alternative to the use of includeTimeDummy is to define time-dependent actor covariates (dummy variables or other functions of wave number that are the same for all actors), include these in the data set through sienaDataCreate, and include interactions of other effects with ego effects of these time-dependent actor covariates by includeInteraction. This is illustrated in an example in the help file for sienaTimeTest. Using includeTimeDummy is easier; on the other hand, using self-defined interactions with time-dependent variables gives more control (e.g., it will allow to specify linear time dependence and test time heterogeneity for interaction effects).


An updated version of myeff, with the timeDummy column for one or more rows updated. Details of the rows altered will be printed.


Josh Lospinoso


See for general information on RSiena.

See Also

sienaTimeTest, getEffects, includeEffects, effectsDocumentation.


## Not run: 
## Estimate a restricted model
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=4, n3=1000)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))

## Conduct the score type test to assess whether heterogeneity is present.
tt <- sienaTimeTest(ans)

## Suppose that we wish to include a time dummy.
## Since there are three waves, the number of periods is two.
## This means that only one time dummy can be included for
## the interactions. The default is for period 2;
## an equivalent model, but with different parameters
## (that can be transformed into each other) is obtained
## when the dummies are defined for period 1.
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, density, recip, timeDummy="2")
myeff       # Note the \code{timeDummy} column.
(ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))

## Re-assess the time heterogeneity
tt2 <- sienaTimeTest(ans2)

## And so on..

## End(Not run)

## A demonstration of RateX heterogeneity.
## Note that rate interactions are not implemented in general,
## but they are for Rate x coCovar.
## Not run: 
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=4, n3=1000)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
myccov <- coCovar(s50a[,1])
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, myccov)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, RateX, type="rate",
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))

## End(Not run)

Function to construct influence tables for SAOMs


The function influenceTable constructs influence tables which may be helpful for the interpretation of results for network and behavior dynamics, for an estimation result represented by a sienaFit object created by siena07.


influenceTable(x, xd, netname, behname,
    as.matrix=FALSE, levls=NULL, levls.alt=levls,
    out.ego=1, silent=FALSE, nfirst=x$nwarm+1,
    include.endow=FALSE, include.creation=FALSE)



An object of class sienaFit, produced by a call to siena07 for a model including a behavioral dependent variable; or an object of class sienaMeta, produced by a call to siena08; or an object of class sienaBayesFit, produced by a call to sienaBayes.


If x is of class sienaFit, a siena data set used to produce x.
If x is of class sienaMeta or sienaBayesFit, one of the data sets used to produce x; preferable a representative one.


character string: name of network dependent variable.


character string: name of behavior dependent variable.


boolean: will the table be returned as a matrix.


levels for ego.


levels for alter.


presumed outdegree of ego for effects totSim and totAlt.


boolean; if FALSE, the parameters taken from x are reproduced at the console.


If x is of class sienaBayesFit: first run in posterior sample used for constructing the table.


boolean, used only for models utilizing influence and endowment effects: by specifying include.endow=TRUE, # the sum of evaluation and endowment effects is used.


boolean, used only for models utilizing influence and creation effects: by specifying include.creation=TRUE, # the sum of evaluation and creation effects is used.


This functions is used for constructing influence tables for the interpretation of results for network and behavior dynamics obtained with the RSiena or multiSiena packages.

In matrix form, each row corresponds to a given average behavior of the alters, to whom the focal actor (ego) is connected by an outgoing tie; the columns are the different potential values of ego’s own behavior. The rows are for the values in levls.alt, the columns for the values in levls.

If levls is NULL (the default), the levels of ego's behavior are taken as the integer range of the dependent actor variable. In most applications levls.alt will be the same as levls, in which case it does not have to be specified.

The data set xd is only used to get means and ranges which are used somewhere in the effects.

This function has its own print method.


An object of class influenceTable.
This represents the joint contribution to the evaluation function of effects "linear", "quad", "avAlt", "avSim", "totAlt", "totSim", "avAttHigher", "avAttLower", "threshold", "threshold2", "threshold3", and "threshold4".
If as.matrix=TRUE, the object is a matrix; if as.matrix=FALSE (the default), it is a data frame, where the rows are all combinations of levls and levls.alt, and the columns:


alter's values as a factor;


the values levls.alt


the values levls


the value of the influence table.


Tom Snijders

See the manual, Sections 13.2 and 13.4.

See Also

siena07, siena08


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mybeh  <- sienaDependent(s50a[,1:2], type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, avAlt, name="mybeh", interaction1="mynet")
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100, seed=1291)
# nsub=2, n3=100 is used here for having a brief computation, not for practice.
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, silent=TRUE, batch=TRUE)
influenceTable(ans, mydata, "mynet", "mybeh")

Function to fit an iterated weighted least squares model.


Fits an iterated weighted least squares model.


iwlsm(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
iwlsm(formula, data, weights, ses, ..., subset, na.action,
    method = c("M", "MM", "model.frame"),
    wt.method = c("inv.var", "case"),
    model = TRUE, x.ret = TRUE, y.ret = FALSE, contrasts = NULL)

## Default S3 method:
iwlsm(x, y, weights, ses, ..., w = rep(1/nrow(x), nrow(x)),
    init = "ls", psi = psi.iwlsm,
    scale.est = c("MAD", "Huber", "proposal 2"), k2 = 1.345,
    method = c("M", "MM"), wt.method = c("inv.var", "case"),
    maxit = 20, acc = 1e-4, test.vec = "resid", lqs.control = NULL)

psi.iwlsm(u, k, deriv = 0, w, sj2, hh)



a formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ....


data frame from which variables specified in formula are preferentially to be taken.


a vector of prior weights for each case.


An index vector specifying the cases to be used in fitting.


Estimated variance of the responses. Will be paseed to psi as sj2


A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. The ‘factory-fresh’ default action in R is na.omit, and can be changed by options(na.action=).


a matrix or data frame containing the explanatory variables.


the response: a vector of length the number of rows of x.


Must be "M". (argument not used here).


are the weights case weights (giving the relative importance of case, so a weight of 2 means there are two of these) or the inverse of the variances, so a weight of two means this error is half as variable? This will not work at present.


should the model frame be returned in the object?


should the model matrix be returned in the object?


should the response be returned in the object?


optional contrast specifications: se lm.


(optional) initial down-weighting for each case. Will not work at present.


(optional) initial values for the coefficients OR a method to find initial values OR the result of a fit with a coef component. Known methods are "ls" (the default) for an initial least-squares fit using weights w*weights, and "lts" for an unweighted least-trimmed squares fit with 200 samples. Probably not functioning.


the psi function is specified by this argument. It must give (possibly by name) a function g(x, ..., deriv, w) that for deriv=0 returns psi(x)/x and for deriv=1 returns some value. Extra arguments may be passed in via ....


method of scale estimation: re-scaled MAD of the residuals (default) or Huber"s proposal 2 (which can be selected by either "Huber" or "proposal 2").


tuning constant used for Huber proposal 2 scale estimation.


the limit on the number of IWLS iterations.


the accuracy for the stopping criterion.


the stopping criterion is based on changes in this vector.


additional arguments to be passed to iwlsm.default or to the psi function.


An optional list of control values for lqs.


numeric vector of evaluation points.


tuning constant. Not used.


0 or 1: compute values of the psi function or of its first derivative. (Latter not used).


Estimated variance of the responses


Diagonal values of the hat matrix


This function is very slightly adapted from rlm in packages MASS. It alternates between weighted least squares and estimation of variance on the basis of a common variance. The function psi.iwlsm calculates the weights for the next iteration. Used by siena08 to combine estimates from different sienaFits.


An object of class "iwlsm" inheriting from "lm". Note that the df.residual component is deliberately set to NA to avoid inappropriate estimation of the residual scale from the residual mean square by "lm" methods.

The additional components not in an lm object are


the robust scale estimate used


the weights used in the IWLS process


the psi function with parameters substituted


the convergence criteria at each iteration


did the IWLS converge?


a working residual, weighted for "inv.var" weights only.


The function has been changed as little as possible, but has only been used with default arguments. The other options have been retained just in case they may prove useful.


Ruth Ripley


Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Springer. See also

See Also

siena08, sienaMeta, sienaFit


## Not run: 
##not enough data here for a sensible example, but shows the idea.
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mynet2 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mydata1 <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
mydata2 <- sienaDataCreate(mynet2)
myeff1 <- getEffects(mydata1)
myeff2 <- getEffects(mydata2)
myeff1 <- setEffect(myeff1, transTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff2 <- setEffect(myeff2, transTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff1 <- setEffect(myeff1, cycle3, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff2 <- setEffect(myeff2, cycle3, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
ans1 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata1, effects=myeff1, batch=TRUE)
ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata2, effects=myeff2, batch=TRUE)
meta <- siena08(ans1, ans2)
metadf <- split(meta$thetadf, meta$thetadf$effects)[[1]]
metalm <- iwlsm(theta ~ tconv, metadf, ses=se^2)

## End(Not run)

Network data: excerpt from "Dutch Social Behavior Data Set" of Chris Baerveldt.


Matrices N3401, N3403, N3404, N3406, and HN3401, HN3403, HN3404, HN3406 are two waves of networks for four schools (numbered 1, 3, 4, 6).


Adjacency matrices for the network at two time points. The matrices with name N... are the first wave, those with name HN... are the second wave.

There is a tie from pupil i to pupil j if i says that he/she receives and/or gives emotional support from/to pupil j. The data are part of a larger data set (see source below) and were collected under the direction of Chris Baerveldt.



Houtzager, B. and Baerveldt, C. (1999), Just like Normal. A Social Network Study of the Relation between Petty Crime and the Intimacy of Adolescent Friendships. Social Behavior and Personality 27, 177–192.

Snijders, Tom A.B, and Baerveldt, C. (2003), A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 123–151.



mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet)

Functions to plot assessment of time heterogeneity of parameters


Plot method for sienaTimeTest objects.


## S3 method for class 'sienaTimeTest'
plot(x, pairwise=FALSE, effects,
     scale=.2, plevels=c(.1, .05, .025), ...)



A sienaTimeTest object returned by sienaTimeTest.


A Boolean value corresponding to whether the user would like a pairwise plot of the simulated statistics to assess correlation among the effects (pairwise=TRUE), or a plot of the estimates across waves in order to assess graphically the results of the score type test.


A vector of integers corresponding to the indices given in the sienaTimeTest output for effects which are to be plotted.


A positive number corresponding to the number of standard deviations on one step estimates to use for computing the maximum and minimum of the plotting range. We recommend experimenting with this number when the y-axes of the plots are not satisfactory. Smaller numbers shrink the axes.


A list of three decimals indicating the gradients at which to draw the confidence interval bars.


For extra arguments. The Lattice parameter layout can be used to control the layout of the graphs.


The pairwise=TRUE plot may be used to assess whether effects are highly correlated. This information may be important when considering forward-model selection, since highly correlated effects may have highly correlated one-step estimates, particularly since the individual score type tests are not orthogonalized against the scores and deviations of yet-unestimated dummies. For example, reciprocity and outdegree may have highly correlated statistics as indicated by a strong, positive correlation coefficient. When considering whether to include dummy terms, it may be a good idea to include, e.g., outdegree, estimate the parameter, and see whether reciprocity dummies remain significant after method of moments estimation of the updated model–as opposed to including both outdegree and reciprocity.

The pairwise=FALSE plot displays the most of the information garnered from sienaTimeTest in a graphical fashion. For each effect, the method of moments parameter estimate for the base period (i.e. wave 1) is given as a blue, horizontal reference line. One step estimates are given for all of the parameters by dots at each wave. The dots are colored black if the parameter has been included in the model already (i.e. has been estimated via method of moments), or red if they have not been included. Confidence intervals are given based on pivots given at pvalues. Evidence of time heterogeneity is suggested by points with confidence intervals not overlapping with the base period.




Josh Lospinoso


See for general information on RSiena.

See Also

siena07, sienaTimeTest, xyplot


## Not run: 
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=500)
# It makes no sense to put together the following data set,
# but just for demonstration:
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503, s501, s503, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 6)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, density, timeDummy="all")
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, recip, timeDummy="2,3,5")
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, transTrip, timeDummy="2,3")
(ansp <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))
ttp <- sienaTimeTest(ansp)

## Pairwise plots show
plot(ttp, pairwise=TRUE)

## Time test plots show
plot(ttp, effects=1:3) ## default layout
plot(ttp, effects=1:3, layout=c(3,1))

## End(Not run)

Print methods for Siena effects objects


Prints the major columns of the effects object. Or all, with any non-atomic columns listed separately.


## S3 method for class 'sienaEffects'
print(x, fileName = NULL, includeOnly=TRUE,
   expandDummies = FALSE, includeRandoms = FALSE, dropRates=FALSE, 
   includeShortNames=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sienaEffects'
summary(object, fileName = NULL,
   includeOnly=TRUE, expandDummies = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'summary.sienaEffects'
print(x, fileName = NULL, ...)



An object of class sienaEffects.


An object of class sienaEffects or summary.sienaEffects as appropriate.


Character string denoting file name if file output desired.


Boolean. If TRUE, only effects with the include flag TRUE will be printed.


Interpret the timeDummy column and show any effects which would be added by sienaTimeFix.


Boolean. If TRUE, also the randomEffects column will be printed.


Boolean. If TRUE, also the shortName column will be printed.


Boolean. If TRUE, do not print the rows for basic rate effects.


For extra arguments (none used at present).


The function print.sienaEffects prints details of the main columns of the selected rows of the effects object.
If the effects object includes statistics for the Generalized Method of Moments (GMoM), as included by function includeGMoMStatistics and for which type=gmm, the print consists of two parts: the first consists of the included effects for the probability model, the second of the statistics used for GMoM estimation.

The function summary.sienaEffects checks the rows for valid printing via and excludes any that will fail. The OK columns are printed first, followed by any others.

Output from either can be directed to a file by using the argument filename.


Ruth Ripley, modifications by Tom Snijders and Viviana Amati.



See Also

sienaEffects, getEffects, includeEffects, includeGMoMStatistics, sienaTimeTest, effectsDocumentation


mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mycovar <- coCovar(rnorm(50))
mydyadcovar <- coDyadCovar(matrix(as.numeric(rnorm(2500) > 2), nrow=50))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh, mycovar, mydyadcovar)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)

Methods for processing sienaMeta objects


print, summary, and plot methods for sienaMeta objects; and a function to write a LaTeX table.


## S3 method for class 'sienaMeta'
print(x, file=FALSE, reportEstimates=FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sienaMeta'
summary(object, file=FALSE, extra=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.sienaMeta'
print(x, file=FALSE, extra=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sienaMeta'
plot(x, ..., which = 1:length(x$theta),
                         useBound=TRUE, layout = c(2,2))
meta.table(x, d=3, option=2,
    filename=paste(deparse(substitute(x)),'_global.tex',sep=""), align=TRUE)



An object of class sienaMeta.


An object of class sienaMeta, or summary.sienaMeta as appropriate.


Boolean: if TRUE, sends output to file named x$projname.txt. If FALSE, output is to the terminal.


Boolean: whether to report all estimates and standard errors.


Boolean: if TRUE, prints more information.


Set of effects contained in the plot (given by sequence numbers).


Boolean: whether to restict plotted symbols to the bound used in the call of sienaMeta.


Vector giving number of rows and columns in the arrangement of the several panels in a rectangular array, possibly spanning multiple pages.


Number of decimals to be used in table.


1: results without normality assumptions; 2: results with normality assumptions, with confidence intervals; 3: results with normality assumptions, with standard errors.


filename for output; if "", printed to the console.


Whether to align numbers at the decimal point.


For extra arguments (none used at present).


The function print.sienaMeta prints details of the merged estimates of the meta-analysis carried out by siena08, with test statistics. See the help page for siena08 for what is produced by this function.

The function summary.sienaMeta prints details as for the print method, but also details of the sienaFit objects included.

Output from either can be directed to a file by using the argument file. It will be appended to any existing file of the same name: projname.txt where projname is the value of the argument to siena08.

The function meta.table writes a combined table of results for all parameters to a LaTeX file in (as default) the current working directory. This table is a more compact version of the results presented by print.sienaMeta.

The function plot.sienaMeta plots estimates against standard errors for each effect, with reference lines added at the two-sided significance threshold 0.05. It returns an object of class trellis, of the lattice package. Effects for which a score test was requested are not plotted.
Another funnel plot, not using siena08, is available as funnelPlot.


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders


Snijders, T.A.B, and Baerveldt, C. (2003), A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 123–151.

See also the Siena manual and

See Also



## Not run: 
# A meta-analysis for three groups does not make much sense
# for generalizing to a population of networks,
# but it the Fisher combinations of p-values are meaningful.
# But using three groups shows the idea.

Group1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
Group3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3403, HN3403), dim=c(37, 37, 2)))
Group4 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3404, HN3404), dim=c(33, 33, 2)))
dataset.1 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group1)
dataset.3 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group3)
dataset.4 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group4)
OneAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = "SingleGroups")
effects.1 <- getEffects(dataset.1)
effects.3 <- getEffects(dataset.3)
effects.4 <- getEffects(dataset.4)
effects.1 <- includeEffects(effects.1, transTrip)
effects.1 <- setEffect(effects.1, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.3 <- includeEffects(effects.3, transTrip)
effects.3 <- setEffect(effects.3, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.4 <- includeEffects(effects.4, transTrip)
effects.4 <- setEffect(effects.4, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
ans.1 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.1, effects=effects.1, batch=TRUE)
ans.3 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.3, effects=effects.3, batch=TRUE)
ans.4 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.4, effects=effects.4, batch=TRUE)
meta <- siena08(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4)
print(meta, reportEstimates=FALSE)
# For specifically presenting the Fisher combinations:
# First determine the number of estimated effects:
(neff <- sum(sapply(meta, function(x){ifelse(is.list(x),
Fishers <- t(sapply(1:neff,
        function(i){c(meta[[i]]$cjplus, meta[[i]]$cjminus,
                        meta[[i]]$cjplusp, meta[[i]]$cjminusp, 2*meta[[i]]$n1 )}))
Fishers <-, row.names=names(meta)[1:neff])
names(Fishers) <- c('Fplus', 'Fminus', 'pplus', 'pminus', 'df')
# For plotting:
plo <- plot(meta, layout = c(3,1))
# Show effects of bound (bounding at 0.4 is not reasonable, just for example)
meta <- siena08(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4, bound=0.4)
plot(meta, which=c(2,3), layout=c(2,1))
plot(meta, which=c(2,3), layout=c(2,1), useBound=FALSE)
meta.table(meta, option=3, file='')

## End(Not run)

Print method for Wald and score tests for RSiena results


This method prints Wald-type and score-type tests for results estimated by siena07.


## S3 method for class 'sienaTest'
print(x, ...)



An object of type sienaTest, produced by Wald.RSiena, Multipar.RSiena, or score.Test.


Extra arguments (not used at present).


The functions Wald.RSiena, Multipar.RSiena, and score.Test produce an object of type sienaTest. These can be printed by this method.


An object of type sienaTest.


Tom Snijders

See Also

siena07, Wald.RSiena, Multipar.RSiena, score.Test


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=40, seed=123, projname=NULL)
# nsub=1 and n3=40 is used here for having a brief computation,
# not for practice.
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, transTies)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, outAct, outPop, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE))
mprs <- Multipar.RSiena(ans, 3, 4)

Function to produce the Siena01 report from R objects


Prints a report of a Siena data object and its default effects.


print01Report(data, modelname = "Siena", getDocumentation=FALSE)



a Siena data object


Character string used to name the output file "modelname.txt"


Flag to allow documentation of internal functions, not for use by users.


First deletes any file of the name "modelname.txt", then prints a new one.


No value returned.


Ruth Ripley




mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
## Not run: 
print01Report(mydata, modelname="mydescription")

## End(Not run)

Network data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.


An excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


Adjacency matrix for the network at time points 1, 2, 3; 50 by 3 matrices of alcohol consumption and smoking data for the three time points.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s501, s502, s503, s50a, s50s


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)

Network 1 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.


First timepoint network data from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


The adjacency matrix for the network at time point 1.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s502, s503, s50a, s50s

Network 2 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.


Second timepoint network data from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


The adjacency matrix for the network at time point 2.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s501, s503, s50a, s50s, s50

Network 3 data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data.


Second timepoint network data from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


Adjacency matrix for the network at time point 3.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s501, s502, s50a, s50s


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)

Alcohol use data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data


Alcohol use data from an excerpt of 50 girls from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


A matrix of variables relating to the use of alcohol for the actors in the network. Three columns, one for each time point. Coding is 1–5, high values indicating higher consumption.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s501, s502, s503, s50s


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)

Smoking data: excerpt from "Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study" data


Smoking data from an excerpt of the network, alcohol consumption, and smoking data for 50 randomly chosen girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set. Useful as a small example of network and behaviour, for which models can be fitted quickly, and for which there are no missing values.


A matrix of variables relating to the smoking habits for the actors in the network. Three columns, one for each time point. Coding is 1–3: 1 = no smoking, 2 = moderate smoking, 3 = serious smoking.



West, P. and Sweeting, H. (1995), Background Rationale and Design of the West of Scotland 11-16 Study. Working Paper No. 52. MRC Medical Sociology Unit Glasgow.


See Also

s501, s502, s503, s50a


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
myvar <- varCovar(s50s)
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, myvar)

Function to construct selection tables for SAOMs


The function selectionTable constructs a selection table which may be helpful for the interpretation of results for network dynamics, for an estimation result represented by a sienaFit object created by siena07.


selectionTable(x, xd, name, vname,
    as.matrix=FALSE,levls=NULL, levls.alt=levls,
    nfirst=x$nwarm+1, multiplier=1,
    include.endow=FALSE, include.creation=FALSE,



An object of class sienaFit, produced by a call to siena07 for a model including a behavioral dependent variable; or an object of class sienaMeta, produced by a call to siena08; or an object of class sienaBayesFit, produced by a call to sienaBayes.


If x is of class sienaFit, a siena data set used to produce x.
If x is of class sienaMeta or sienaBayesFit, one of the data sets used to produce x; preferable a representative one.


character string: name of network dependent variable.


character string: name of actor covariate (should be centered!).


boolean: will the table be returned as a matrix.


levels for ego.


levels for alter.


If of class sienaBayesFit: first run in posterior sample used for constructing the table.


multiplier for the range of the actor covariate.


boolean, used only for models utilizing selection and endowment effects: by specifying include.endow=TRUE, the sum of evaluation and endowment effects is used.


boolean, used only for models utilizing selection and creation effects: by specifying include.creation=TRUE, the sum of evaluation and creation effects is used.


boolean; if FALSE, some information is reproduced at the console.


This functions is used for constructing selection tables for the interpretation of results for network dynamics obtained with the RSiena or multiSiena packages.

In matrix form, each row corresponds to ego's value of the covariate, and each column to alter's value. The table entries are the joint contributions of covariate effects to the objective function, for this covariate and for the combinations of ego and alter values. Effects currently implemented are "altX", "altSqX", "egoX", "egoSqX", "egoXaltX", "simX", "diffX", "diffSqX", "higher", "sameX", "egoDiffX", and "egoPlusAltX".

If levls is NULL (the default), the levels of ego's behavior are taken as the integer range of the dependent actor variable. In most applications levls.alt will be the same as levls, in which case it does not have to be specified.

The multiplier is used in case the variable vname has a different natural scale, and the values for ego and alter as reported should be multiplied. The values given for levls and levls.alt are before this multiplication, i.e., they are the values as in the data set.

The data set xd is only used to get the means and similarity means which are subtracted somewhere in the effects.

This function has its own print method.


An object of class selectionTable.
If as.matrix=TRUE, this object is a matrix; if as.matrix=FALSE (the default), it is a data frame, where the rows are all combinations of levls and levls.alt, and the columns:


ego's values as a factor;


the values levls


the values levls.alt


the value of the selection table.


Tom Snijders

See the manual, Sections 13.2 and 13.4.

See Also

siena07, siena08


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mycov  <- coCovar(s50a[,1])
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mycov)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, simX, interaction1="mycov")
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100, seed=1291)
# nsub=2, n3=100 is used here for having a brief computation, not for practice.
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, silent=TRUE, batch=TRUE)
selectionTable(ans, mydata, "mynet", "mycov")

Function to set various columns in an effects object in a Siena model.


This function provides an interface to change various columns of a selected row of a Siena effects object.


setEffect(myeff, shortName, parameter = NULL,
fix = FALSE, test = FALSE, random=FALSE, initialValue = 0, 
timeDummy = ",", include = TRUE,
name = myeff$name[1], type = "eval", interaction1 = "",
interaction2 = "", effect1=0, effect2=0, effect3=0,
period=1, group=1, character=FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



a Siena effects object as created by getEffects


A short name (all with or all without quotes) to identify the effect which should be changed.


Value of internal effect parameter. If NULL, no change is made.


For fixing effects. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


For testing effects by score-type tests. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


For specifying that effects will vary randomly; used only in function sienaBayes in package multiSiena. Not relevant for RSiena at this moment. Boolean required. Default FALSE.


Initial value for estimation. Default 0.


string: Comma delimited string of which periods to dummy. Alternatively, use includeTimeDummy.


Boolean. default TRUE, but can be switched to FALSE to turn off an effect.


Name of dependent variable (network or behavior) for which effects are being modified. Defaults to the first in the effects object.


Character string indicating the type of the effect to be changed : currently "rate", "eval", "endow", or "creation". Default "eval".


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Name of siena object where needed to completely identify the effect e.g. covariate name or behavior variable name.


Only for shortName=unspInt, behUnspInt or contUnspInt, which means this is a user-defined interaction effect: effect1 is the row number in myeff of the first component of the interaction effect.


See effect1: second component of interaction effect.


See effect1: third component of interaction effect.


Number of period if basic rate. Use numbering within groups.


Number of group if basic rate. Only relevant for sienaGroup data sets.


Boolean: whether the short name is a character string.


Boolean: should the print of altered effects be produced.


Recall from the help page for getEffects that a Siena effects object (class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects) is a data.frame; the rows in the data frame are the effects for this data set; some of the columns/variables of the data frame are used to identify the effect, other columns/variables define how this effect is used in the estimation.
The function includeEffects can operate on several effects simultaneously, but in a less detailed way. The main use of setEffect is that it can change not only the value of the column include, but also those of initialValue and parm. The arguments shortName, name, type, interaction1, interaction2, effect1, effect2, effect3, period, and group should identify one effect completely. (Not all of them are needed; see getEffects.)
The call of setEffect will set, for this effect, the column elements of the resulting effects object for parm, fix, test, randomEffects, initialValue, timeDummy, and include to the values requested.
The shortName must not be set between quotes, unless you use character=TRUE.

The input names interaction1 and interaction2 do not themselves refer to created interactions, but to dependence of the base effects on other variables in the data set. They are used to completely identify the effects.

If a value for parameter is given, the occurrences of # in the original effect and function names are replaced by this value. If a value for parameter is not given, the default value of the internal effect parameter of this effect is used.


An object of class sienaEffects or sienaGroupEffects. This will be an updated version of the input effects object, with one row updated. Details of the row altered will be printed, unless verbose=FALSE.


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders



See Also

getEffects, includeEffects, includeInteraction, includeGMoMStatistics, updateSpecification, print.sienaEffects, effectsDocumentation.


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, gwespFF)
# Specify an effect parameter:
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, outTrunc, parameter=1)
# Set the initial rate parameter for one period:
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, Rate, initialValue=1.5, name="mybeh",
                   type="rate", period=2)

Function to estimate parameters in a Siena model


Estimates parameters in a Siena model using Method of Moments, based on direct simulation, conditional or otherwise; or using Generalized Method of Moments; or using Maximum Likelihood by MCMC simulation. Estimation is done using a Robbins-Monro algorithm. Note that the data and particular model to be used must be passed in using named arguments as the ..., and the specification for the algorithm must be passed on as x, which is a sienaAlgorithm object as produced by sienaAlgorithmCreate (see examples).


siena07(x, batch=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, silent=FALSE,
        useCluster=FALSE, nbrNodes=2,
        thetaValues = NULL,
        returnThetas = FALSE,
        thetaBound = 50,
        targets = NULL,
        clusterString=rep("localhost", nbrNodes), tt=NULL,
        parallelTesting=FALSE, clusterIter=!x$maxlike,
        clusterType=c("PSOCK", "FORK"), cl=NULL, ...)



A control object, of class sienaAlgorithm.


Desired interface: FALSE gives a gui (graphical user interface implemented as a tcl/tk screen), TRUE gives a small (if verbose=FALSE) amount of printout to the console.


Produces various output to the console if TRUE.


Produces no output to the console if TRUE, even if batch mode.


Boolean: whether to use a cluster of processes (useful if multiple processors are available).


Number of processes to use if useCluster is TRUE.


If not NULL, this should be a matrix with parameter values to be used in Phase 3. The number of columns must be equal to the number of estimated parameters in the effects object (if conditional estimation is used, without the rate parameters for the conditioning dependent variable). Can only be used if x$simOnly=TRUE.


Boolean: whether to return theta values and generated estimation statistics of Phase 2 runs.


Numeric: if at some moment during estimation the maximum absolute value of the parameters exceeds thetaBound, estimation is interrupted. In interactive use, the user is requested to give a higher number; if non-numeric input is given, estimation stops. In non-interactive use, estimation stops anyway. The check is turned off by using thetaBound=Inf.


Numeric vector of length equal to the number of estimated parameters, meant to supersede the targets calculated from the data set; see "Details". Not for regular use.


Boolean: set to TRUE if the simulation will use C routines (currently always needed). Only for use if using multiple processors, to ensure all copies are initialised correctly. Ignored otherwise, so is set to TRUE by default.


Definitions of clusters. Default set up to use the local machine only.


A tcltk toplevel window. Used if called from the model options screen, if tcltk is available.


Boolean. If TRUE, sets up random numbers to parallel those in Siena 3.


Boolean. If TRUE, multiple processes execute complete iterations at each call. If FALSE, multiple processes execute a single wave at each call.


Either "PSOCK" or "FORK". On Windows, must be "PSOCK". On a single non-Windows machine may be "FORK", and subprocesses will be formed by forking. If "PSOCK", subprocesses are formed using R scripts.


An object of class c("SOCKcluster", "cluster") (see Details).


Arguments for the simulation function, see simstats0c: in any case, data and effects, as in the examples below;
possibly also prevAns if a previous reasonable provisional estimate was obtained for a similar model;
possibly also returnDeps if the simulated dependent variables (networks, behaviour) should be returned;
possibly also returnChains if the simulated sequences (chains) of ministeps should be returned; this may produce a very big file.


This is the main function and workhorse of RSiena.

For use of siena07, it is necessary to specify parameters data (RSiena data set) and effects (effects object), which are required parameters in function simstats0c. (These parameters are inserted through '...'.) See the examples.

siena07 runs a Robbins-Monro algorithm for parameter estimation using the three-phase implementation described in Snijders (2001, 2017), with (if x$findiff=FALSE) derivative estimation as in Schweinberger and Snijders (2007). The default is estimation according to the Method of Moments as in Snijders, Steglich and Schweinberger (2007).
If x$gmm=TRUE and myeff contains one or more gmm statistics as included by function includeGMoMStatistics, the algorithm employs the Generalized Method of Moments as defined in Amati, Schoenenberger, and Snijders (2015, 2019).
For continuous behavior variables defined with type="continuous" in sienaDependent, estimation is done as described in Niezink and Snijders (2017).
If x$maxlike=TRUE, estimation is done by Maximum Likelihood implemented as in Snijders, Koskinen and Schweinberger (2010).
Phase 1 does a few iterations to estimate the derivative matrix of the targets with respect to the parameter vector. Phase 2 does the estimation. Phase 3 runs a simulation to estimate standard errors and check convergence of the model. The simulation function is called once for each iteration in these phases and also once to initialise the model fitting and once to complete it. Unless in batch mode, a tcl/tk screen is displayed to allow interruption and to show progress.

If targets is specified (which should be done only in special cases), and provided that estimation is by the Method of Moments, the data is not a multi-group data set and has exactly 2 waves, and if the length of the vector targets is equal to the number of estimated parameters (not counting the rate parameters estimated by conditional estimation), then the vector targets supersedes the targets calculated from the data set.

It is necessary to check that convergence has been achieved. The rule of thumb is that the all t-ratios for convergence should be in absolute value less than 0.1 and the overall maximum convergence ratio should be less than 0.25. If this was not achieved, the result can be used to start another estimation run from the estimate obtained, using the parameter prevAns as illustrated in the example below. (This parameter is inserted through '...' into the function initializeFRAN.)

For good estimation of standard errors, it is necessary that x$n3 is large enough. More about this is in the manual. The default value x$n3 set in sienaAlgorithmCreate is adequate for most explorative use, but for presentation in publications larger values are necessary, depending on the data set and model; e.g., x$n3=3000 or larger.

Parameters can be tested against zero by dividing the estimate by its standard error and using an approximate standard normal null distribution. Further, functions Wald.RSiena and Multipar.RSiena are available for multi-parameter testing.
Parameters specified in includeEffects or setEffect with fix=TRUE, test=TRUE will not be estimated; score tests of their hypothesized values are reported in the output file specified in the control (algorithm) object. These tests can be obtained also using score.Test.

If x$simOnly is TRUE, which is meant to go together with x$nsub=0, the calculation of the standard errors and covariance matrix at the end of Pase 3 is skipped. No estimation is performed. If thetaValues is not NULL, the parameter values in the rows of this matrix will be used in the consecutive runs of Phase 3. If x$n3 is larger than the number of rows times nbrNodes (see below), the last row of thetaValues will continue to be used. The parameter values actually used will be stored in the output matrix thetaUsed.

Multiple processors are used for estimation by MoM to distribute each iteration in each subphase over the cluster of nodes. The number of iterations accordingly will be divided (approximately) by the number of nodes; for phase 2, unless n2start is specified. This implies that if multiple processors are used, think of dividing n2start by nbrNodes.
For estimation by ML, multiple processing is done per period. Therefore, for one period (two waves) and one group, this will have no effect.

In the case of using multiple processors, there are two options for telling siena07 to use them. By specifying the options useCluster, nbrNodes, clusterString and initC, siena07 will create a cluster object that will be used by the parallel package. After finishing the estimation procedure, siena07 will automatically stop the cluster. Alternatively, instead of having the function to create a cluster, the user may provide its own by specifying the option cl, similar to what the boot function does in the boot package. By using the option cl the user may be able to create more complex clusters (see examples below).

If thetaValues is not NULL and nbrNodes >= 2, parameters in Phase 3 will be constant for each set of nbrNodes consecutive simulations. This must be noted in the interpretation, and will be visible in thetaUsed (see below).

The keyword thetaBound is used because in practice, parameter values of Stochastic Actor-oriented Models will be relatively small, and for usual models values larger than 30 never occur, which means that when they occur this is regarded as a signal of divergence of the algorithm.
Note that covariates should have large enough standard deviations; see the manual.


Returns an object of class sienaFit, some parts of which are:


Boolean indicating successful termination


Character string, values: "OK", "Error", or "UserInterrupt". "UserInterrupt" indicates that the user asked for early termination before phase 3.


Various characteristics of the data and model definition.


The included effects in the effects object.


The included effects in the effects object to which are added the main effects of the requested interaction effects, if any.


Estimated value of theta, if x$simOnly=FALSE.


Matrix, returned if returnThetas and x$nsub >= 1. First column is subphase; further columns are values of theta as generated during this subphase of Phase 2.


Matrix, returned if returnThetas and x$nsub >= 1. First column is subphase; further columns are deviations from targets generated during this subphase of Phase 2.


Estimated covariance matrix of theta; this is not available if x$simOnly=TRUE.


Vector of standard errors of estimated theta, if x$simOnly=FALSE.


Matrix of estimated derivatives.


Matrix of simulated deviations from targets in phase 3.


Array of periodwise deviations from simulations in phase 3. Not included if x$lessMem=TRUE.


If x$gmm=TRUE: Estimated optimal matrix of weights for estimation by the Generalized Method of Moments.


If x$gmm=TRUE: Row-normalized matrix of weights for equating the linear combination of estimation statistics to 0, for estimation by the Generalized Method of Moments.


t-statistics for convergence.


maximum absolute t-statistic for convergence for non-fixed parameters.


overall maximum convergence ratio.


If x$maxlike=TRUE: autocorrelations of statistics in Phase 3.


Observed statistics; for ML, zero vector.


Observed statistics by wave, starting with second wave; for ML, zero matrix.


Score function contributions for each wave for each simulation in phase 3. Not included if finite difference method is used or if x$lessMem=TRUE.


Score functions, added over waves, for each simulation in phase 3. Only included if x$lessMem=FALSE.


If x$dolby and not x$maxlike: regression coefficients of estimation statistics on score functions.


If x$dolby and not x$maxlike: correlations between estimation statistics and score functions.


Estimated means of estimation statistics.


If x$simOnly: Standard errors of the estimated means of estimation statistics.


If returnDeps=TRUE: list of simulated dependent variables (networks, behaviour). Networks are given as a list of edgelists, one for each period.
The structure of sims is a nested list: sims[[run]][[group]][[dependent variable]][[period]]. If x$maxlike=TRUE and there is only one group and one period, the structure is [[run]][[dependent variable]].


If returnChains = TRUE: list, or data frame, of simulated chains of ministeps. The chain has the structure chain[[run]][[depvar]][[period]][[ministep]].


Number of iterations actually performed in phase 3.


If thetaValues is not NULL, the matrix of parameter values actually used in the simulations of Phase 3.

Writes text output to the file named "projname.txt", where projname is defined in the sienaAlgorithm object x.


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders, Viviana Amati, Felix Schoenenberger, Nynke Niezink


Amati, V., Schoenenberger, F., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2015), Estimation of stochastic actor-oriented models for the evolution of networks by generalized method of moments. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique 156, 140–165.

Amati, V., Schoenenberger, F., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2019), Contemporaneous statistics for estimation in stochastic actor-oriented co-evolution models. Psychometrika 84, 1068–1096.

Greenan, C. (2015), Evolving Social Network Analysis: developments in statistical methodology for dynamic stochastic actor-oriented models. DPhil dissertation, University of Oxford.

Niezink, N.M.D., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2017), Co-evolution of Social Networks and Continuous Actor Attributes. The Annals of Applied Statistics 11, 1948–1973.

Schweinberger, M., and Snijders, T.A.B. (2007), Markov models for digraph panel data: Monte Carlo based derivative estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51, 4465–4483.

Snijders, T.A.B. (2001), The statistical evaluation of social network dynamics. Sociological Methodology 31, 361–395.

Snijders, T.A.B. (2017), Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for Network Dynamics. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 4, 343–363.

Snijders, T.A.B., Koskinen, J., and Schweinberger, M. (2010). Maximum likelihood estimation for social network dynamics. Annals of Applied Statistics 4, 567–588.

Snijders, T.A.B., Steglich, C.E.G., and Schweinberger, Michael (2007), Modeling the co-evolution of networks and behavior. Pp. 41–71 in Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences, edited by van Montfort, K., Oud, H., and Satorra, A.; Lawrence Erlbaum.

Steglich, C.E.G., Snijders, T.A.B., and Pearson, M.A. (2010), Dynamic networks and behavior: Separating selection from influence. Sociological Methodology 40, 329–393. Information about the implementation of the algorithm is in Further see .

See Also

siena, sienaAlgorithmCreate, sienaEffects, Wald.RSiena, Multipar.RSiena, score.Test.

There are print, summary and xtable methods for sienaFit objects: xtable, print.sienaFit.


myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100, seed=1293)
# nsub=2, n3=100 is used here for having a brief computation, not for practice.
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)

# or for non-conditional estimation --------------------------------------------
## Not run: 
model <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100, cond=FALSE, seed=1283)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)
## End(Not run)

# or if a previous "on track" result ans was obtained --------------------------
## Not run: 
ans1 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, prevAns=ans)
## End(Not run)

# Running in multiple processors -----------------------------------------------
## Not run: 
# Not tested because dependent on presence of processors
# Find out how many processors there are
(n.clus <- detectCores() - 1)
n.clus <- min(n.clus, 4)  # keep time for other processes
ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff,
                useCluster=TRUE, nbrNodes=n.clus, initC=TRUE)

# Suppose 8 processors are going to be used.
# Loading the parallel package and creating a cluster
# with 8 processors (this should be equivalent)

cl <- makeCluster(n.clus)

ans3 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE, cl = cl)

# Notice that now -siena07- perhaps won't stop the cluster for you.
# stopCluster(cl)

# You can create even more complex clusters using several computers. In this
# example we are creating a cluster with 3*8 = 24 processors on three
# different machines.
#cl <- makePSOCKcluster(
#    rep(c('localhost', '' , ''), 8),
#    user='myusername', rshcmd='ssh -p PORTNUMBER')

#ans4 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE, cl = cl)

## End(Not run)

# for a continuous behavior variable -------------------------------------------
# simulate behavior data according to dZ(t) = [-0.1 Z + 1] dt + 1 dW(t)
y1 <- rnorm(50, 0,3)
y2 <- exp(-0.1) * y1 + (1-exp(-0.1)) * 1/ -0.1 + rnorm(50, 0, (exp(-0.2)- 1) / -0.2 * 1^2)
friend <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim = c(50,50,2)))
behavior <- sienaDependent(matrix(c(y1,y2), 50,2), type = "continuous")
(mydata <- sienaDataCreate(friend, behavior))
(myeff <- getEffects(mydata, onePeriodSde = TRUE))
algorithmMoM <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=20, seed=321)
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data = mydata, effects = myeff, batch=TRUE))

# Accessing simulated networks for ML ------------------------------------------
# The following is an example for accessing the simulated networks for ML,
# which makes sense only if there are some missing tie variables;
# observed tie variables are identically simulated
# at the moment of observation,
# missing tie variable are imputed in a model-based way.
mat1 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,
                 0,1,0,0),4,4, byrow=TRUE)
mat2 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,1,
                 0,0,1,0),4,4, byrow=TRUE)
mat3 <- matrix(c(0,1,0,1,
                 NA,1,1,0),4,4, byrow=TRUE)
mats <- array(c(mat1,mat2,mat3), dim=c(4,4,3))
net <- sienaDependent(mats, allowOnly=FALSE)
sdat <- sienaDataCreate(net)
alg <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(maxlike=TRUE, nsub=3, n3=100, seed=12534)
effs <- getEffects(sdat)
(ans <- siena07(alg, data=sdat, effects=effs, returnDeps=TRUE, batch=TRUE))
# See manual Section 9.1 for information about the following functions <- function(x,n){
# create empty adjacency matrix
    adj <- matrix(0, n, n)
# put edge values in desired places
    adj[x[, 1:2]] <- x[, 3]
the.edge <- function(x,n,h,k){,n)[h,k]
# Now show the results
n <- 4
ego <-,n)
alter <- rep(1:n, each=n)
# Get the average simulated adjacency matrices for wave 3 (period 2):
ones <- sapply(1:n^2, function(i)
# Note that for maximum likelihood estimation,
# if there is one group and one period,
# the nesting levels for group and period are dropped from ans$sims.

Function to perform a meta analysis of a collection of Siena fits.


Estimates a meta analysis based on a collection of Siena fits.


siena08(..., projname = "sienaMeta", bound = 5, alpha = 0.05, maxit=20)



names of sienaFit objects, returned from siena07. They will be renamed if entered in format newname=oldname. It is also allowed to give for ... a list of sienaFit objects.


Base name of report file if required


Upper limit of standard error for inclusion in the meta analysis.


1 minus confidence level of confidence intervals.


Number of iterations of iterated least squares procedure.


A meta analysis is performed as described in the Siena manual, section "Meta-analysis of Siena results". This consists of three parts: an iterated weighted least squares (IWLS) modification of the method described in the reference below; maximum likelihood estimates and confidence intervals based on profile likelihoods under normality assumptions; and Fisher combinations of left-sided and right-sided pp-values. These are produced for all effects separately.

Note that the corresponding effects must have the same effect name in each model fit. This implies that at least covariates and behavior variables must have the same name in each model fit.


An object of class sienaMeta. There are print, summary and plot methods for this class. This object contains at least the following.


Data frame containing the coefficients, standard errors and score test results


Root name for any output file to be produced by the print method


Estimates with standard error above this value were excluded from the calculations


Object of class by indicating, for each effect in the models, whether score test information was present.


The requestedEffects component of the first sienaFit object in ....


The vector of IWLS estimates.


The vector of standard errors of the IWLS estimates.


The vector of ML estimates (see below).


The vector of standard errors of the ML estimates (see below).

Then for each effect, there is a list with at least the following.


Spearman rank correlation coefficient between estimates and their standard errors.


p-value for above


Part of the result of the fit of iwlsm.


The summary of the fit, which includes the coefficient table.


test statistic for effect zero in every model


p-value for above


test statistics that mean effect is 0


p-value for above


Test statistic for variance of effects is zero


p-value for above


Test statistic for at least one theta strictly greater than 0


Test statistic for at least one theta strictly less than 0


p-value for cjplus


p-value for cjminus

ML estimate of population mean

standard error of ML estimate of population mean

ML estimate of population standard deviation


confidence interval for population mean based on profile likelihood


confidence interval for population standard deviation based on profile likelihood


Number of fits on which the meta analysis is based


Test statistic for combination of right one-sided Fisher combination tests


Test statistic for combination of left one-sided Fisher combination tests


p-value for cjplus


p-value for cjminus


Test statistic for combination of right one-sided pp-values from score tests


Test statistic for combination of left one-sided pp-values from score tests


p-value for scoreplus


p-value for scoreminus


Number of fits on which the score test analysis is based


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders


Snijders, T.A.B, and Baerveldt, C. (2003), A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 123–151.

See also the manual (Section 11.2) and

See Also

print.sienaMeta, funnelPlot, meta.table, iwlsm, siena07


## Not run: 
# A meta-analysis for three groups does not make much sense
# for generalizing to a population of networks,
# but the Fisher combinations of p-values are meaningful.
# However, using three groups does show the idea.

Group1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
Group3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3403, HN3403), dim=c(37, 37, 2)))
Group4 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3404, HN3404), dim=c(33, 33, 2)))
dataset.1 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group1)
dataset.3 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group3)
dataset.4 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group4)
OneAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = "SingleGroups", seed=128)
effects.1 <- getEffects(dataset.1)
effects.3 <- getEffects(dataset.3)
effects.4 <- getEffects(dataset.4)
effects.1 <- includeEffects(effects.1, transTrip)
effects.1 <- setEffect(effects.1, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.3 <- includeEffects(effects.3, transTrip)
effects.3 <- setEffect(effects.3, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.4 <- includeEffects(effects.4, transTrip)
effects.4 <- setEffect(effects.4, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
ans.1 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.1, effects=effects.1, batch=TRUE)
ans.3 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.3, effects=effects.3, batch=TRUE)
ans.4 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.4, effects=effects.4, batch=TRUE)
(meta <- siena08(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4))
plot(meta, which=2:3, layout = c(2,1))
# For specifically presenting the Fisher combinations:
# First determine the components of meta with estimated effects:
which.est <- sapply(meta, function(x){ifelse(is.list(x),!is.null(x$cjplus),FALSE)})
Fishers <- t(sapply(1:sum(which.est),
        function(i){c(meta[[i]]$cjplus, meta[[i]]$cjminus,
                        meta[[i]]$cjplusp, meta[[i]]$cjminusp, 2*meta[[i]]$n1 )}))
Fishers <-, row.names=names(meta)[which.est])
names(Fishers) <- c('Fplus', 'Fminus', 'pplus', 'pminus', 'df')

## End(Not run)

Function to create an object containing the algorithm specifications for parameter estimation in RSiena


Creates an object with specifications for the algorithm for parameter estimation in RSiena.

sienaAlgorithmCreate() and sienaModelCreate() are identical functions; the second name was used from the start of the RSiena package, but the first name indicates more precisely the purpose of this function.


sienaAlgorithmCreate(fn, projname = "Siena", MaxDegree = NULL, Offset = NULL,
     useStdInits = FALSE, n3 = 1000, nsub = 4, n2start = NULL,
     dolby=TRUE, maxlike = FALSE, gmm = FALSE, diagonalize=0.2*!maxlike,
     condvarno = 0, condname = "", firstg = 0.2, reduceg = 0.5,
     cond = NA, findiff = FALSE, seed = NULL,
     minimumPermutationLength=2, initialPermutationLength=20,
     modelType=NULL, behModelType=NULL, mult=5, simOnly=FALSE, localML=FALSE,
     truncation=5, doubleAveraging=0, standardizeVar=(diagonalize<1),
     lessMem=FALSE, silent=FALSE)

sienaModelCreate(fn, projname = "Siena", MaxDegree = NULL, Offset = NULL,
     useStdInits = FALSE, n3 = 1000, nsub = 4, n2start = NULL,
     dolby=TRUE, maxlike = FALSE, gmm = FALSE, diagonalize=0.2*!maxlike,
     condvarno = 0, condname = "", firstg = 0.2, reduceg = 0.5,
     cond = NA, findiff = FALSE, seed = NULL,
     minimumPermutationLength=2, initialPermutationLength=20,
     modelType=NULL, behModelType=NULL, mult=5, simOnly=FALSE, localML=FALSE,
     truncation=5, doubleAveraging=0, standardizeVar=(diagonalize<1),
     lessMem=FALSE, silent=FALSE)



Function to do one simulation in the Robbins-Monro algorithm. Not to be touched.


Character string name of project; the output file will be called projname.txt. No embedded spaces!!!
If projname=NULL, output will be written to a file in the temporary session directory, created as tempfile(Siena).


Named vector of maximum degree values for corresponding networks. Allows to restrict the model to networks with degrees not higher than this maximum. Names should be the names of all dependent network variables, in the same order as in the Siena data set.
Default as well as value 0 imply no restrictions.
This option is not available for maximum likelihood estimation.


Named vector of offset values for symmetric networks with modelType = 3 (M.1), and for universal setting in Settings model. Names should be the names of all dependent network variables, in the same order as in the Siena data set. Default NULL implies values 0.


Boolean. If TRUE, the initial values in the effects object will be ignored and default values used instead. If FALSE, the initial values in the effects object will be used.


Number of iterations in phase 3. For regular use with the Method of Moments, n3=1000 mostly suffices. For use in publications and for Maximum Likelihood, at least n3=3000 is advised. Sometimes much higher values are required for stable estimation of standard errors.


Number of subphases in phase 2.


Minimum number of iterations in subphase 1 of phase 2; default is 2.52*(p+7), where p = number of estimated parameters; if useCluster=TRUE in the call of siena07, this is divided by nbrNodes.


Boolean. Should there be noise reduction by regression on augmented data score. In most cases dolby=TRUE yields better convergence, but takes some extra computing time; if convergence is problematic, however, dolby=FALSE may be tried. Just use whatever works best.


Whether to use maximum likelihood method or Method of Moments estimation.


Whether to use the Generalized Method of Moments or the regular Method of Moments estimation.


Number between 0 and 1 (bounds included), values outside this interval will be truncated; for diagonalize=0 the complete estimated derivative matrix will be used for updates in the Robbins-Monro procedure; for diagonalize=1 only the diagonal entries will be used; for values between 0 and 1, the weighted average will be used with weight diagonalize for the diagonalized matrix. Has no effect for ML estimation.
Higher values are more stable, lower values potentially more efficient. Default: for ML estimation, diagonalize=0; for MoM estimation, diagonalize = 0.2.


If cond (conditional simulation), the sequential number of the network or behavior variable on which to condition.


If conditional, the name of the dependent variable on which to condition. Use one or other of condname or condvarno to specify the variable.


Initial value of scaling ("gain") parameter for updates in the Robbins-Monro procedure.


Reduction factor for scaling ("gain") parameter for updates in the Robbins-Monro procedure (MoM only).


Boolean. Only relevant for Method of Moments simulation/estimation. If TRUE, use conditional simulation; if FALSE, unconditional simulation. If missing, decision is deferred until siena07, when it is set to TRUE if there is only one dependent variable, FALSE otherwise.


Boolean: If TRUE, estimate derivatives using finite differences. If FALSE, use scores.


Integer. Starting value of random seed. Not used if parallel testing.


Either one real number, or a vector of 7 numbers. Determines update probabilities used in Metropolis-Hastings routine in ML estimation. Should be nonnegative; if a vector, the sum should be <= 1. See Details.


Maximum length of permutation in steps in ML estimation.


Minimum length of permutation in steps in ML estimation.


Initial length of permutation in steps in ML estimation.


Named vector indicating the type of model to be fitted for dependent network variables. (See the examples below for how to specify a named vector.)
Possible values are:
1=directed standard,
2:6 for symmetric networks only: 2=dictatorial forcing (D.1), 3=Initiative model with reciprocal confirmation (M.1), 4=Pairwise dictatorial forcing model (D.2), 5=Pairwise mutual model (M.2), 6=Pairwise joint model (C.2),
7:10 for directed one-mode only: 7=Double Step model with double step probability 0.25, 8=Double Step model with double step probability 0.50, 9=Double Step model with double step probability 0.75, 10=Double Step model with double step probability 1.00,
11=Contemporaneous evaluation statistics model.
Names should be the names of all dependent network variables, in the same order as in the Siena data set.
See Snijders and Pickup (2016) for the meanings of the various models for symmetric networks.
Default NULL implies 1 for directed or two-mode, 2 for symmetric.


Named vector indicating the type of model to be fitted for behavioral dependent variables. (See the examples below for how to specify a named vector.)
Possible values are:
1=standard (restricted), 2=absorbing.
Names should be the names of all dependent behavioral variables, in the same order as in the Siena data set.
Default NULL implies values 1.


Multiplication factor for maximum likelihood and Bayes. Number of steps per iteration is set to this multiple of the total distance between the observations at start and finish of the wave (and rounded). Decreasing mult below a certain value has no further effect.
mult can be either a number (which needs to be positive) or a vector of numbers, of length equal to the total number of periods. Note that for multi-group data, the total number of periods is equal to the number of groups times the number of periods per group (if the latter is constant).


Logical: If TRUE, then the calculation of the covariance matrix and standard errors of the estimates at the end of Phase 3 of the estimation algorithm in function siena07 is skipped. This is suitable if nsub=0 and siena07 is used only for the purpose of simulation.


Logical: If TRUE, and maxlike, then calculations are sped up for models with all local effects.


Used for step truncation in the Robbins Monro algorithm (applied to deviate/(standard deviation)).


subphase after which double averaging is used in the Robbins Monro algorithm, which probably increases algorithm efficiency.


Logical: whether to limit deviations used in Robbins-Monro updates to unit variances.


Logical: whether to reduce storage during operation of siena07, and of the object produced, by leaving out arrays by iteration and by period of simulated statistics sf2 and scores ssc.
if lessMem=TRUE, it will be impossible to run sienaTimeTest or sienaGOF on the object produced by siena07.


Logical: whether to give a note about the output file.


Model specification is done via this object for siena07. This function creates an object with the elements required to control the Robbins-Monro algorithm. Those not available as arguments can be changed manually when desired.
The value prML=1 defines the defaults valid in RSiena up to version 1.3.16.
If prML is given as a vector of 7 probabilities, these are, consecutively: the probabilities of inserting a diagonal step, deleting a diagonal step, permuting, inserting a CCP, deleting a CCP, inserting random missing, deleting random missing; the residual (1 minus the sum) is the probability of a move step.
Further information about the implementation of the algorithm is in
Some of the examples use projname=NULL; this is just for the sake of checking the examples, not necessarily intended for normal use.


Returns an object of class sienaAlgorithm containing values implied by the parameters.


Ruth Ripley and Tom A.B. Snijders


For modelType:
Snijders, T.A.B., and Pickup, M. (2016), Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for Network Dynamics. In: Victor, J.N., Lubell, M., and Montgomery, A.H., Oxford Handbook of Political Networks. Oxford University Press.

Also see

See Also

siena07, simstats0c.


myAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname="NetworkDyn")
StdAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname="NetworkDyn", useStdInits=TRUE)
CondAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname="NetworkDyn", condvarno=1, cond=TRUE)
Max10Algorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname="NetworkDyn", MaxDegree=c(mynet=10),
Beh2Algorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname="NetBehDyn", behModelType=c(mybeh=2))
# where mynet is the name of the network object created by sienaDependent(),
# and mybeh the name of the behavior object created by the same function.

Functions to create a Siena composition change object


Used to create a list of events describing the changes over time of a Siena actor set.


sienaCompositionChange(changelist, nodeSet = "Actors", option = 1)
sienaCompositionChangeFromFile(filename, nodeSet = "Actors",
    fileobj=NULL, option = 1)



A list with an entry for each actor in the node set. Each entry a vector of numbers (may be as characters) indicating intervals during which the corresponding actor was present. Each entry must have an even number of digits. The actor is assumed to be present from the first to the second, third to fourth, etc., time points.


Name of file containing change information. One line per actor, each line a series of space delimited numbers indicating intervals.


The result of readLines on filename.


Character string containing the name of a Siena node set. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must be specified in all data objects.


Integer controlling the processing of the tie variables for the actors not currently present. Values (default is 1)

1 0 before entry, final value carried forward after leaving,
and used for calculating statistics in Method of Moments estimation
2 0 before entry, missing after (final value carried forward, but treated as missing)
3 missing whenever not in the network. Previous values will be used where available,
but always treated as missing values.
4 Convert to structural zeros (not available at present).


If there is a composition change object for the first node set in the data object, then this will be used in estimation by the Method of Moments to make actors active (able to send and receive ties) only for the time intervals when this is indicated in the composition change object. This is done according to the procedure of Huisman and Snijders (2003). See the manual for further details.
For bipartite networks, composition change objects for the second node set have no effect and will lead to an error message.
For M waves, time starts at 1 and ends at M; so all numbers must be between 1 and the number of waves (bounds included). Intervals are treated as closed at each end. For example, an entry (2, 4) means that the actor corresponding to this entry arrived at wave 2 and left at wave 4, but did give valid date for both of these waves. An entry (1.01, 2.99) means that the actor arrived just after wave 1 and left just before wave 3, and gave valid data only for wave 2. An entry (1, 2), (3.5, 4) means that the actor was there at the start and left at wave 2 (giving valid data for wave 2), came back halfway between waves 3 and 4, and gave valid data still at wave 4; if there would be more than 4 waves in the data set, this entry would also mean that the actor left at wave 4.
For data sets including a composition change object, estimation by Method of Moments is forced to be unconditional, overriding the specification in the sienaAlgorithm object.


An object of class "compositionChange", a list of numeric vectors, with attributes:


Name of node set




Ruth Ripley


Huisman, M.E. and Snijders, T.A.B. (2003), Statistical analysis of longitudinal network data with changing composition. Sociological Methods & Research, 32, 253–287.

See also

Further see

See Also

sienaNodeSet, sienaDataCreate


clist <- list(c(1, 3), c(1.4, 2.5))
  clist <- list(c("1", "3"), c("1.4", "2.5"))

  compChange <- sienaCompositionChange(clist)

  s50net <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
  s50list <- rep(list(c(1,3)), 50)
  # This is a trivial composition change: all actors are present in all waves.
  compChange <- sienaCompositionChange(s50list)
  s50data <- sienaDataCreate(s50net, compChange)

  ## Not run: 
  filedata <- c("1 3", "1.4 2.5")
  write.table(filedata, "cc.dat",row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
  ## file will be
  ## 1 3
  ## 1.4 2.5
  compChange <- sienaCompositionChangeFromFile("cc.dat")
## End(Not run)

Function to change the values of the constraints between networks.


This function allows the user to change the constraints of "higher", "disjoint" and "atLeastOne" for a specified pair of networks in a Siena data object.


sienaDataConstraint(x, net1, net2,
          type = c("higher", "disjoint", "atLeastOne"), value = FALSE)



Siena data object; maybe a group object?


name of first network


name of second network


one of "higher", "disjoint", "atleastOne". Default is "higher".


Boolean giving the value.


The value of the appropriate attribute is set to the value requested. Note that, for value=TRUE, the correspondence of this value to the data is not checked.


Updated Siena data object.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDataCreate, sienaGroupCreate


nowFriends <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
ever <- array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3))
ever[,,2] <- pmax(ever[,,1], ever[,,2])
ever[,,3] <- pmax(ever[,,2], ever[,,3])
everFriends <- sienaDependent(ever)
# Note: this data set serves to illustrate this function,
# but it is not an appropriate data set for estimation by siena07,
# because everFriends (for the three waves together) depends deterministically
# on nowFriends (for the three waves together).
nowOrEver <- sienaDataCreate(nowFriends, everFriends)
attr(nowOrEver, "higher")
nowOrEver.unconstrained <-
   sienaDataConstraint(nowOrEver, everFriends, nowFriends, "higher", FALSE)
attr(nowOrEver.unconstrained, "higher")

Function to create a Siena data object


Creates a Siena data object from input dependent variables (networks and possibly behavioural variables), covariates, and composition change objects.


sienaDataCreate(..., nodeSets=NULL, getDocumentation=FALSE)



objects of class sienaDependent, coCovar, varCovar, coDyadCovar, varDyadCovar, and/or sienaCompositionChange; or a list of such objects, of which the first element must not be a sienaCompositionChange object. There should be at least one sienaDependent object.
If there are one-mode as well as two-mode dependent networks, the one-mode networks should be mentioned first.


list of Siena node sets. Default is the single node set named Actors, length equal to the number of rows in the first object of class sienaDependent. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must have been specified in the creation of all data objects mentioned in ....


Flag to allow documentation of internal functions, not for use by users.


The function checks that the objects fit, that there is at least one dependent variable, and adds various attributes to each variable describing the data. If there is more than one nodeSet they must all be specified.
Function print01Report will give a basic description of the data object and is a check useful, e.g., for diagnosing problems.


An object of class siena which is designed to be used in a siena model fit by siena07. The components of the object are:


List of node sets involved


Integer indicating number of waves of data


List of networks and behavior variables


List of constant covariates


List of changing covariates


List of constant dyadic covariates


List of changing dyadic covariates


List of composition change objects corresponding to the node sets


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDependent, coCovar, varCovar, coDyadCovar, varDyadCovar, sienaNodeSet, sienaCompositionChange, sienaGroupCreate, sienaDataConstraint, sienaNodeSet, print01Report


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)
# This gives the same result as
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(list(mynet, mybeh))
## And for a two-mode network
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)), nodeSet="senders")
senders <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="senders")
receivers <- sienaNodeSet(30, nodeSetName="receivers")
mynet2 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501[,1:30], s502[,1:30]), dim=c(50, 30, 2)),
      nodeSet=c("senders", "receivers"))
(mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mynet2, nodeSets=list(senders, receivers)))
## Not run: 
print01Report(mydata, modelname = "mydescription")

## End(Not run)

Function to create a dependent variable for a Siena model


Creates a Siena dependent variable: either a network, created from a matrix or array or list of sparse matrix of triples; or a behavior variable, created from a matrix.
sienaDependent() and sienaNet() are identical functions; the second name was used from the start of the RSiena package, but the first name indicates more precisely the purpose of this function.


sienaDependent(netarray, type=c("oneMode", "bipartite", "behavior", "continuous"),
nodeSet="Actors", sparse=is.list(netarray), allowOnly=TRUE, imputationValues=NULL)

sienaNet(netarray, type=c("oneMode", "bipartite", "behavior", "continuous"),
nodeSet="Actors", sparse=is.list(netarray), allowOnly=TRUE, imputationValues=NULL)



type="behavior" or "continuous": matrix (actors ×\times waves).
type="oneMode" or "bipartite": array of values or list of sparse matrices of type "TsparseMatrix", see the Matrix package; if an array is used, it should have dimensions: for a one-mode network, n×n×Mn \times n \times M, and for a two-mode network n×m×Mn \times m \times M, where nn is the number of actors, mm is the number of nodes in the second mode, and MM is the number of waves.


type of dependent variable, default oneMode.


character string naming the appropriate node set. For a bipartite network, a vector containing 2 character strings: "rows" first, then "columns".


logical: TRUE indicates the data is in sparse matrix format, FALSE otherwise.


logical: If TRUE, it will be detected when between any two consecutive waves the changes are non-decreasing or non-increasing, and if this is the case, this will also be a constraint for the simulations between these two waves. This is done by means of the internal parameters uponly and downonly. If FALSE, the parameters uponly and downonly always are set to FALSE, and changes in dependent variables will not be constrained to be non-decreasing or non-increasing. This also will imply that some effects are excluded because they are superfluous in such constrained situations. This will be reported in the output of print01Report.

For normal operation when this is the case for all periods, usually TRUE is the appropriate option. When it is only the case for some of the periods, and for data sets that will be part of a multi-group object created by sienaGroupCreate, FALSE usually is preferable.


for behavior or continuous dependent variables, a matrix with imputation values can be included that will be used instead of the default imputation values.


Adds attributes so that the array or list of matrices can be used in a Siena model fit.


An object of class sienaDependent. An array or (networks only) a list of sparse matrices with attributes:


Dimensions of the network or behavior variable: senders, receivers (1 for behavior), periods


oneMode, bipartite or behavior


Boolean: whether the network is given as a list of sparse matrices or not


Character string with name(s) of node set(s)


The value of the allowOnly parameter


Ruth Ripley and Tom A.B. Snijders


See .

See Also

sienaDataCreate, sienaNodeSet, sienaDataConstraint


mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
## note that the following example works although the node sets do not yet exist!
mynet3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)),
       type="bipartite", nodeSet=c("senders", "receivers"))
## sparse matrix input
## To show this, we first go back from the adjacency matrices to edgelists.
## The manual shows one way to do this.
## Another way is to use the sparse matrix representation which internally
## indeed is an edge list:
sp501 <- as(Matrix(s501), "TsparseMatrix")
sp502 <- as(Matrix(s502), "TsparseMatrix")
sp503 <- as(Matrix(s503), "TsparseMatrix")
## If you are interested in the internal structure of these sparse matrices,
## you can request
## Slot @i is the row, @j is the column, and @x the value;
## here the values all are 1.
## Slots @i and @j do not contain information about the number of nodes,
## so that is supplied additionally by @Dim.
mymatlist <- list(sp501, sp502, sp503)
mynet.sp <- sienaDependent(mymatlist)
# For a bipartite (two-mode) network:
senders <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="senders")
receivers <- sienaNodeSet(30, nodeSetName="receivers")
mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501[,1:30], s502[,1:30]), dim=c(50, 30, 2)),
      nodeSet=c("senders", "receivers"))

Methods for processing sienaFit objects, produced by siena07.


print, summary, and xtable methods for sienaFit objects.


## S3 method for class 'sienaFit'
print(x, tstat=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sienaFit'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.sienaFit'
print(x, matrices=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sienaFit'
xtable(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL,
                digits = NULL, display = NULL, ...)

siena.table(x, type="tex", file=paste(deparse(substitute(x)), ".", type,sep=""),
            vertLine=TRUE, tstatPrint=FALSE, sig=FALSE, d=3, nfirst=NULL)



An object of class sienaFit, produced by siena07. For siena.table, objects of class sienaBayes are also permitted.


An object of class sienaFit, or summary.sienaFit as appropriate. For siena.table, objects of class sienaBayes are also permitted.


Boolean: whether also to print in the summary the covariance matrix of the estimates, the derivative matrix of expected statistics X by parameters, and the covariance matrix of the statistics.


Boolean: if this is NULL, the t-statistics for convergence will not be added to the report.


Type of output to produce; must be either "tex" or "html".


Name of the file; defaults to the name of the sienaFit object. "" indicates output to the console.


Boolean: add vertical lines separating the columns in siena.table.


Boolean: add a column of significance t values (parameter estimate/standard error estimate) to siena.table.


Boolean: adds symbols (daggers and asterisks) indicating significance levels for the parameter estimates to siena.table.


The number of decimals places used in siena.table.


See documentation for xtable.


See documentation for xtable.


See documentation for xtable.


See documentation for xtable.


See documentation for xtable


Only relevant for the multiSiena package.


Add extra parameters for print.xtable here. e.g. type, file.


The function print.sienaFit prints a table containing estimated parameter values, standard errors and (optionally) t-statistics for convergence.

The function summary.sienaFit prints a table containing estimated parameter values, standard errors and t-statistics for convergence together with the covariance matrix of the estimates, the derivative matrix of expected statistics X by parameters, and the covariance matrix of the expected statistics X.

The function xtable.sienaFit creates an object of class xtable.sienaFit which inherits from class xtable and passes an extra arguments to the print.xtable.

The function siena.table outputs a latex or html table of the estimates and standards errors of a sienaFit object. The table will be written to a file in the current directory and has a footnote reporting the maximum of the convergence t-ratios. Endowment or creation effects will be denoted, respectively, by 'maintenance' or 'creation'.

See the manual for how to import the html tables easily into MS-Word.


Ruth Ripley, Charlotte Greenan, Tom Snijders



See Also

xtable, print.xtable, siena07


myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100, projname=NULL)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)
## Not run: 
xtable(ans, type="html", file="ans.html")
siena.table(ans, type="html", tstat=TRUE, d=2)

## End(Not run)

Functions to assess goodness of fit for SAOMs


The function sienaGOF assesses goodness of fit for a model specification as represented by an estimated sienaFit object created by siena07. This is done by simulations of auxiliary statistics, that differ from the statistics used for estimating the parameters. The auxiliary statistics must be given explicitly.

The fit is good if the average values of the auxiliary statistics over many simulation runs are close to the values observed in the data. A Monte Carlo test based on the Mahalanobis distance is used to calculate frequentist pp-values.

Plotting functions can be used to diagnose bad fit. There are basic functions for calculating auxiliary statistics available out of the box, and the user is invited to create additional ones.


sienaGOF(sienaFitObject, auxiliaryFunction,
        period=NULL, verbose=FALSE, join=TRUE, twoTailed=FALSE,
        cluster=NULL, robust=FALSE, groupName="Data1",
        varName, tested=NULL, iterations=NULL, giveNAWarning=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sienaGOF'
plot(x, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, violin=TRUE, key=NULL,
        perc=.05, period=1, position=4, fontsize=12, ...)
descriptives.sienaGOF(x, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, perc=.05, key=NULL,
        period=1, showAll=FALSE)



An object of class sienaFit, produced by a call to siena07 with returnDeps = TRUE and maxlike=FALSE (the latter is the default, the former is not); or a list of such objects; if a list, then the first period of each sienaFit object will be used.
If this is a list of sienaFit objects, where sienaFitObject is mentioned below, it refers to the first element of this list.


Function to be used to calculate the auxiliary statistics; this can be a user-defined function, e.g. depending on the sna or igraph packages.

See Examples and sienaGOF-auxiliary for more information on the signature of this function. The basic signature is
function(index, data, sims, period, groupName, varName, ...), where index is the index of the simulated network, or NULL if the observed variable is needed; data is the observed data object from which the relevant variables are extracted; sims is the list of simulations returned from siena07; period is the index of the period; and ... are further arguments (like levls in the examples below and in sienaGOF-auxiliary).


Vector of period(s) to be used (may run from 1 to number of waves - 1). Has an effect only if join=FALSE.
May be only a single number if sienaFitObject is a list of sienaFit objects.


Whether to print intermediate results. This may give some peace of mind to the user because calculations can take some time.


Boolean: should sienaGOF do tests on all of the periods individually (FALSE), or sum across periods (TRUE)?


Whether to use two tails for calculating pp-values on the Monte Carlo test. Recommended for advanced users only, as it is probably only applicable in rare cases.


Optionally, a parallel or snow cluster to execute the auxiliary function calculations on.


Whether to use robust estimation of the covariance matrix.


Name of group; relevant for multi-group data sets.


Name of dependent variable.


A logical vector of length sienaFitObject$pp (number of parameters), indicating a subset of tested parameters; or NULL, indicating all tested parameters (see below); or FALSE, indicating nothing is to be tested.


Number of iterations for the goodness of fit calculations. If NULL, the number of simulated data sets in sienaFitObject.


If TRUE, a warning is given if any simulated values are missing.


Result from a call to sienaGOF.


Whether to center the statistics by median during plotting.


Whether to scale the statistics by range during plotting. scale=TRUE makes little sense without also center=TRUE.


Use violin plots (vs. box plots only)?


Keys in the plot for the levels of the auxiliary statistic (as given by parameter levls in the examples).


1 minus confidence level for the confidence bands (two sided).


Position where the observed value is plotted: 1=under, 2=to the left, 3=above, 4=to the right of the red dot. Can be a single number from 1 to 4, or a vector with positions for each statistic (possibly recycled).


Font size for the observed values plotted.


Other arguments; for sienaGOF(), e.g., levls as a parameter for the auxiliary statistic in sienaGOF-auxiliary;
for plot.sienaGOF(), e.g., the usual plotting parameters main, xlab, ylab, cex, cex.main, cex.lab, and cex.axis.


If FALSE, drops statistics with variance 0, like in the plot.


This function is used to assess the goodness of fit of an estimated stochastic actor-oriented model for an arbitrarily defined multidimensional auxiliary statistic. It operates basically by comparing the observed values, at the ends of the periods, with the simulated values for the ends of the periods. The differences are assessed by combining the components of the auxiliary statistic using the Mahalanobis distance.

For sienaFitObjects that were made for a multi-group data set, if you are not sure about the groupNames to use, these can be retrieved by the command "names(dataObject)" (where dataObject is the data used to produce the sienaFitObject). Mostly they are "Data1", "Data2", etc.

To save computation time, iterations can be set to a lower number than what is available in sienaFitObject; this will yield a less precise result.

The function does not work properly for data sets that include a sienaCompositionChange object. If you wish to test the fit for such a data set, you need (for the purpose of fit assessment only) to replace the data set by a data set where absent actors are represented by structural zeros, and estimate the same model for this data set with the corresponding effects object, and use sienaGOF for this sienaFit object.

To achieve comparability between simulated and observed dependent variables, variables that are missing in the data at the start or end of a period are replaced by 0 (for tie variables) or NA (for behavior variables).
If there are any differences between structural values at the beginning and at the end of a period, these are dealt with as follows. For tie variables that have a structural value at the start of the period, this value is used to replace the observed value at the end of the period (for the goodness of fit assessment only). For tie variables that have a structural value at the end of the period but a free value value at the start of the period, the reference value for the simulated values is lacking; therefore, the simulated values at the end of the period then are replaced by the structural value at the end of the period (again, for the goodness of fit assessment only).

The auxiliary statistics documented in sienaGOF-auxiliary are calculated for the simulated dependent variables in Phase 3 of the estimation algorithm, returned in sienaFitObject because of having used returnDeps = TRUE in the call to siena07. These statistics should be chosen to represent features of the network that are not explicitly fit by the estimation procedure but can be considered important properties that the model at hand should represent well. Some examples are:

  • Outdegree distribution

  • Indegree distribution

  • Distribution of the dependent behavior variable (if any).

  • Distribution of geodesic distances

  • Triad census

  • Edgewise homophily counts

  • Edgewise shared partner counts

  • Statistics depending on the combination of network and behavioral variables.

The function is written so that the user can easily define other functions to capture some other relevant aspects of the network, behaviors, etc. This is further illustrated in the help page sienaGOF-auxiliary.

We recommend the following heuristic approach to model checking:

  1. Check convergence of the estimation.

  2. Assess goodness of fit (primarily using join=TRUE) on auxiliary statistics, and if necessary refine the model.

  3. Assess time heterogeneity by sienaTimeTest and if there is evidence for time heterogeneity either modify the base effects or include time dummy terms.

No general rules can be given about whether time heterogeneity (sienaTimeTest) or goodness of fit using sienaGOF have precedence. This is an explorative issue.

The summary function will display some useful information to help with model selection if some effects are set in the effects object to be fixed and tested. In that case, for all parameters indicated in the vector tested, a rough estimator is computed for the Mahalanobis distance that would be obtained at each proposed specification. This is then given in the summary. This can help guide model selection. This estimator is called the modified Mahalanobis distance (MMD). See Lospinoso and Snijders (2019) or the manual for more information.

The following functions are pre-fabricated for ease of use, and can be passed in as the auxiliaryFunction with no extra effort; see sienaGOF-auxiliary and the examples below.


sienaGOF returns a result of class sienaGOF; this is a list of elements of class sienaGofTest; if join=TRUE, the list has length 1; if join=FALSE, each list element corresponds to a period analyzed; the list elements are themselves lists again, including the following elements:

- sienaFitName

The name of sienaFitObject.

- auxiliaryStatisticName

The name of auxiliaryFunction.

- Observations

The observed values for the auxiliary statistics.

- Simulations

The simulated auxiliary statistics.

- ObservedTestStat

The observed Mahalanobis distance in the data.

- SimulatedTestStat

The Mahalanobis distance for the simulations.

- TwoTailed

Whether the pp-value corresponds to a one- or two-tailed Monte Carlo test.

- p

The pp-value for the observed Mahalanobis distance in the permutation distribution of the simulated Mahalanobis distances.

- Rank

Rank of the covariance matrix of the simulated auxiliary statistics.

In addition there are several attributes which give, for model specifications with fixed-and-tested effects, approximations to the expected Mahalanobis distance for model specifications where each of these effects would be added. This is reported in the summary method.
The plot method makes violin plots or box plots, with superimposed confidence bands, for the simulated distributions of all elements of the auxiliaryFunction, with the observed values indicated by red dots; but statistics with variance 0 are dropped.

descriptives.sienaGOF returns a matrix giving numerical information about what is plotted in the plot method: maximum, upper percentile, mean, median, lower percentile, minimum, and standard deviation of the simulated distributions of the auxiliary statistics, the observed values, and the proportions of simulated values greater and greater-or-equal than the observed values. If center=TRUE the median is subtracted from mean, median, and percentiles; if scale=TRUE these numbers and the standard deviation are divided by (maximum - minimum).
If showAll=FALSE, statistics with variance 0 will be dropped.


Josh Lospinoso, modifications by Ruth Ripley and Tom Snijders


Lospinoso, J.A. and Snijders, T.A.B. (2019, Goodness of fit for stochastic actor-oriented models. Methodological Innovations, 12:2059799119884282.

Also see

See Also

siena07, sienaGOF-auxiliary, sienaTimeTest


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a[,1:2], type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, cycle3, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff <- setEffect(myeff, transTies, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=10, projname=NULL)
# Shorter phases 2 and 3, just for example.
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE, returnDeps=TRUE)
gofi <- sienaGOF(ans, IndegreeDistribution, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,

# Illustration just for showing a case with two dependent networks;
# running time backwards is not meaningful!
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mynet2 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s503, s501), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a[,1:2], type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mynet2, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, recip, name="mynet2")
# Shorter phases 2 and 3, just for example.
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE, returnDeps=TRUE)
gofi <- sienaGOF(ans, IndegreeDistribution, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,

## Not run: 
( <- sienaGOF(ans, IndegreeDistribution, cumulative=FALSE,
# cumulative is an example of "...".

(gofi2 <- sienaGOF(ans, IndegreeDistribution, varName="mynet2"))

(gofb <- sienaGOF(ans, BehaviorDistribution, varName = "mybeh"))

(gofo <- sienaGOF(ans, OutdegreeDistribution, varName="mynet1",
    levls=0:6, cumulative=FALSE))
# levls is another example of "...".

## End(Not run)

## A demonstration of using multiple processes
## Not run: 
(n.clus <- detectCores() - 1)
n.clus <- min(n.clus, 4)  # keep time for other processes
myalgorithm.c <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=4, n3=1000, seed=1265)
(ans.c <- siena07(myalgorithm.c, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE,
    returnDeps=TRUE, useCluster=TRUE, nbrNodes=n.clus))
gofi.1 <- sienaGOF(ans.c, TriadCensus, verbose=TRUE, varName="mynet1")
cl <- makeCluster(n.clus) <- sienaGOF(ans.c, TriadCensus, varName="mynet1", cluster=cl)
cl2 <- makeCluster(2)
gofi.cl2 <- sienaGOF(ans.c, TriadCensus, varName="mynet1", cluster=cl2)
# compare simulation times

## End(Not run)

Auxiliary functions for goodness of fit assessment by sienaGOF


The functions given here are auxiliary to function sienaGOF which assesses goodness of fit for actor-oriented models.

The auxiliary functions are, first, some functions of networks or behaviour (i.e., statistics) for which the simulated values for the fitted model are compared to the observed value; second, some extraction functions to extract the observed and simulated networks and/or behaviour from the sienaFit object produced by siena07 with returnDeps=TRUE.

These functions are exported here mainly to enable users to write their own versions. At the end of this help page some non-exported functions are listed. These are not exported because they depend on packages that are not in the R base distribution; and to show templates for readers wishing to contruct their own functions.


OutdegreeDistribution(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName,
         levls=0:8, cumulative=TRUE)

IndegreeDistribution(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName,
         levls=0:8, cumulative=TRUE)

BehaviorDistribution(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName,
         levls=NULL, cumulative=TRUE)

TriadCensus(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName, levls=1:16)

mixedTriadCensus(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName)

dyadicCov(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName, dc)

sparseMatrixExtraction(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName)

networkExtraction(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName)

behaviorExtraction(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName)



Index number of simulation to be extracted, ranging from 1 to length(sims); if NULL, the data observation will be extracted.


The observed data set to which the model was fitted; normally this is x$f where x is the sienaFit object for which the fit is being assessed.


The simulated data sets to be compared with the observed data; normally this is x$sims where x is the sienaFit object for which the fit is being assessed.


Period for which data and simulations are used (may run from 1 to number of waves - 1).


Name of group; relevant for multi-group data sets; defaults in sienaGOF to "Data1".


Name of dependent variable.


Levels used as values of the auxiliary statistic. For BehaviorDistribution, this defaults to the observed range of values.


Are the distributions to be considered as raw or cumulative (<=) distributions?


Dyadic covariate: either a matrix with dimensions n×nn \times n; or, as period-dependent values, an array with dimensions n×n×(M1)n \times n \times (M-1); where nn is the number of actors and MM is the number of waves. There may be more time points, but those after (M1)(M-1) will not be used.


The statistics should be chosen to represent features of the network that are not explicitly fit by the estimation procedure but can be considered important properties that the model at hand should represent well. The three given here are far from a complete set; they will be supplemented in due time by statistics depending on networks and behavior jointly. The examples below give a number of other statistics, using the packages sna and igraph.

The levls parameter must be adapted to the range of values that is considered important. For indegrees and outdegrees, the whole range should usually be covered. If the range is large, which could be the case, e.g., for indegrees of two-mode networks where the second mode has few nodes, think about the possibility of making a selection such as levls=5*(0:20) or levls=c(0:4,5*(1:20)); which in most cases will make sense only if cumulative=TRUE.

The method signature for the auxiliary statistics generally is
function(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName, ...). For constructing new auxiliary statistics, it is helpful to study the code of OutdegreeDistribution, IndegreeDistribution, and BehaviorDistribution and of the example functions below.

TriadCensus returns the distribution of the Holland-Leinhardt triad census according to the algorithm by Batagelj and Mrvar (implementation by Parimalarangan, Slota, and Madduri). An alternative is the TriadCensus.sna function mentioned below, from package sna, which gives the same results. Here the levls parameter can be used to exclude some triads, e.g., for non-directed networks.
The Batagelj-Mrvar algorithm is optimized for sparse, large graphs and may be much faster than the procedure implemented in sna. For dense graphs the sna procedure may be faster.

dyadicCov assumes that dc is a categorical dyadic variable, and returns the frequencies of the non-zero values for realized ties. Since zero values of dc are not counted, it may be advisable to code dc so that all non-diagonal values are non-zero, and all diagonal values are zero.


OutdegreeDistribution returns a named vector, the distribution of the observed or simulated outdegrees for the values in levls.

IndegreeDistribution returns a named vector, the distribution of the observed or simulated indegrees for the values in levls.

BehaviorDistribution returns a named vector, the distribution of the observed or simulated behavioral variable for the values in levls.

TriadCensus returns a named vector, the distribution of the Holland-Leinhardt triad census according to the algorithm by Batagelj and Mrvar.

mixedTriadCensus returns a named vector, the distribution of the mixed triad census of Hollway, Lomi, Pallotti, and Stadtfeld (2017). See their Figure 1 for the meaning of the codes. In this figure, ties between the bottom nodes are for the first network, ties from the bottom to the top nodes are for the second network. The mixed triad census can be used for pairs of dependent networks of which the first must be one-mode and the second can be one-mode or two-mode. If the second is one-mode, the set of triads considered is only a subset of all mixed triads, and ties in the figure are directed upward; existence of other ties is not considered.

dyadicCov returns a named vector, the frequencies of the non-missing non-zero values dc(ego,alter) of the observed or simulated (ego,alter) ties.

sparseMatrixExtraction returns the simulated network as a "TsparseMatrix"; this is the virtual class for sparse numeric matrices represented by triplets in the Matrix package.
Tie variables for ordered pairs with a missing value for wave=period or period+1 are zeroed; note that this also is done in RSiena for calculation of target statistics. Tie variables that are structurally determined at the beginning of a period are used to replace observed values at the end of the period; tie variables that are structurally determined at the end, but not the beginning, of a period are used to replace simulated values at the end of the period.
To treat the objects returned by this function as regular matrices, it is necessary to attach the Matrix package in your session.

networkExtraction returns the network as an edge list of class network according to the network package (used for package sna). Missing values and structural values are treated as in sparseMatrixExtraction, see above.

behaviorExtraction returns the dependent behavior variable as an integer vector. Values for actors with a missing value for wave=period or period+1 are transformed to NA.


Josh Lospinoso, Tom Snijders


Batagelj, V., and Mrvar, A. (2001), A subquadratic triad census algorithm for large sparse networks with small maximum degree. Social Networks, 23, 237–243.

Holland, P.W., and Leinhardt, S. (1976), Local structure in social networks. Sociological Methodology, 6, 1–45.

Hollway, J., Lomi, A., Pallotti, F., and Stadtfeld, C. (2017), Multilevel social spaces: The network dynamics of organizational fields. Network Science, 5, 187–212.

Lospinoso, J.A. and Snijders, T.A.B. (2019), Goodness of fit for stochastic actor-oriented models. Methodological Innovations, 12:2059799119884282.

Parimalarangan S., Slota, G.M., and Madduri, K. (2017), Fast parallel graph triad census and triangle counting on shared-memory platforms, 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), Lake Buena Vista, FL, pp. 1500-1509.

See Also

siena07, sienaGOF


### For use out of the box:

mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a[,1:2], type="behavior")
mycov <- c(rep(1:3,16),1,2) # artificial, just for trying
mydycov <- matrix(rep(1:5, 500), 50, 50) # also artificial, just for trying
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTies, cycle3)
# Shorter phases 2 and 3, just for example:
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=50, seed=122, projname=NULL)
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, returnDeps=TRUE,

# NULL for the observations:
OutdegreeDistribution(NULL, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
  levls=0:7, varName="mynet1")
dyadicCov(NULL, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
  dc=mydycov, varName="mynet1")
# An arbitrary selection for simulation run i:
IndegreeDistribution(5, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
BehaviorDistribution(20, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
sparseMatrixExtraction(50, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
networkExtraction(40, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",
behaviorExtraction(50, ans$f, ans$sims, period=1, groupName="Data1",

gofi <- sienaGOF(ans, IndegreeDistribution, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,

(gofo <- sienaGOF(ans, OutdegreeDistribution, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,
    varName="mynet1", cumulative=FALSE))
# cumulative is an example of "\dots".

(gofdc <- sienaGOF(ans, dyadicCov, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,
    dc=mydycov, varName="mynet1"))

# How to use dyadicCov for ego-alter combinations of a monadic variable:
mycov.egoalter <- outer(10*mycov, mycov ,'+')
diag(mycov.egoalter) <- 0
dim(mycov.egoalter) # 50 * 50 matrix
# This is a dyadic variable indicating ego-alter combinations of mycov.
# This construction works since mycov has integer values
# not outside the interval from 1 to 9 (actually, only 1 to 3).
# All cells of this matrix contain a two-digit number,
# left digit is row (ego) value, right digit is column (alter) value.
# See the top left part of the matrix:
# The number of values is the square of the number of values of mycov;
# therefore, unwise to do this for a monadic covariate with more than 5 values.
gof.mycov <- sienaGOF(ans, dyadicCov, verbose=TRUE, varName="mynet1",
descriptives.sienaGOF(gof.mycov, showAll=TRUE)

(gofb <- sienaGOF(ans, BehaviorDistribution, varName = "mybeh",
    verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE, cumulative=FALSE))

(goftc <- sienaGOF(ans, TriadCensus, verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE,
plot(goftc, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
# For this type of auxiliary statistics
# it is advisable in the plot to center and scale.
# note the keys at the x-axis (widen the plot if they are not clear).

### The mixed triad census for co-evolution of one-mode and two-mode networks:
actors <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="actors")
activities <- sienaNodeSet(20, nodeSetName="activities")
onemodenet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)),
# Not meaningful, just for example:
twomodenet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s502[1:50, 1:20], s503[1:50, 1:20]),
                                                        dim=c(50, 20, 2)),
                            type= "bipartite", nodeSet=c("actors", "activities"))
twodata <- sienaDataCreate(onemodenet, twomodenet,
                        nodeSets=list(actors, activities))
twoeff <- getEffects(twodata)
twoeff <- includeEffects(twoeff, outActIntn, name="onemodenet",
twoeff <- includeEffects(twoeff, outActIntn, name="twomodenet",
twoeff <- includeEffects(twoeff, from, name="onemodenet",
twoeff <- includeEffects(twoeff, to, name="twomodenet",
# Shorter phases 2 and 3, just for example:
twoalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname=NULL, nsub=1, n3=50,
(ans <- siena07(twoalgorithm, data=twodata, effects=twoeff, returnDeps=TRUE,
(gof.two <- sienaGOF(ans, mixedTriadCensus,
                        varName=c("onemodenet", "twomodenet"), verbose=TRUE))
plot(gof.two, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

## Not run: 
### Here come some useful functions for building your own auxiliary statistics:
### First an extraction function.

# igraphNetworkExtraction extracts simulated and observed networks
# from the results of a siena07 run.
# It returns the network as an edge list of class "graph"
# according to the igraph package.
# Ties for ordered pairs with a missing value for wave=period or period+1
# are zeroed;
# note that this also is done in RSiena for calculation of target statistics.
# However, changing structurally fixed values are not taken into account.
igraphNetworkExtraction <- function(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName) {
  dimsOfDepVar <- attr(data[[groupName]]$depvars[[varName]], "netdims")[1]
  missings <-[[groupName]]$depvars[[varName]][,,period]) |[[groupName]]$depvars[[varName]][,,period+1])
  if (is.null(i)) {
    # sienaGOF wants the observation:
    original <- data[[groupName]]$depvars[[varName]][,,period+1]
    original[missings] <- 0
    returnValue <- graph.adjacency(original)
    missings <- graph.adjacency(missings)
    #sienaGOF wants the i-th simulation:
    returnValue <- graph.difference(
      graph.empty(dimsOfDepVar) +

### Then some auxiliary statistics.

# GeodesicDistribution calculates the distribution of non-directed
# geodesic distances; see ?sna::geodist
# The default for \code{levls} reflects that geodesic distances larger than 5
# do not differ appreciably with respect to interpretation.
# Note that the levels of the result are named;
# these names are used in the \code{plot} method.
GeodesicDistribution <- function (i, data, sims, period, groupName,
  varName, levls=c(1:5,Inf), cumulative=TRUE, ...) {
  x <- networkExtraction(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName)
  a <- sna::geodist(symmetrize(x))$gdist
  if (cumulative)
    gdi <- sapply(levls, function(i){ sum(a<=i) })
    gdi <- sapply(levls, function(i){ sum(a==i) })
  names(gdi) <- as.character(levls)

# Holland and Leinhardt Triad Census from sna; see ?sna::triad.census.
# For undirected networks, call this with levls=1:4
TriadCensus.sna <- function(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName, levls=1:16){
  unloadNamespace("igraph") # to avoid package clashes
  x <- networkExtraction(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName)
  if (network.edgecount(x) <= 0){x <- symmetrize(x)}
  # because else triad.census(x) will lead to an error
  tc <- sna::triad.census(x)[levls]
  # names are transferred automatically

# Holland and Leinhardt Triad Census from igraph; see ?igraph::triad_census.
TriadCensus.i <- function(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName){
  unloadNamespace("sna") # to avoid package clashes
  x <- igraphNetworkExtraction(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName)
# suppressWarnings is used because else warnings will be generated
# when a generated network happens to be symmetric.
            c("003", "012", "102", "021D","021U", "021C", "111D", "111U",
            "030T", "030C", "201",  "120D", "120U", "120C", "210", "300"))

# CliqueCensus calculates the distribution of the clique census
# of the symmetrized network; see ?sna::clique.census.
CliqueCensus<-function (i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName, levls = 1:5){
  x <- networkExtraction(i, obsData, sims, period, groupName, varName)
  cc0 <- sna::clique.census(x, mode='graph', = FALSE,
  cc <- 0*levls
  names(cc) <- as.character(levls)
  levels.used <- as.numeric(intersect(names(cc0), names(cc)))
  cc[levels.used] <- cc0[levels.used]

# Distribution of Bonacich eigenvalue centrality; see ?igraph::evcent.
EigenvalueDistribution <- function (i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName,
  levls=c(seq(0,1,by=0.125)), cumulative=TRUE){
  x <- igraphNetworkExtraction(i, data, sims, period, groupName, varName)
  a <- igraph::evcent(x)$vector
  a[] <- Inf
  lel <- length(levls)
  if (cumulative)
    cdi <- sapply(2:lel, function(i){sum(a<=levls[i])})
    cdi <- sapply(2:lel, function(i){
      sum(a<=levls[i]) - sum(a <= levls[i-1])})
  names(cdi) <- as.character(levls[2:lel])

## Finally some examples of the three auxiliary statistics constructed above.
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mybeh <- sienaDependent(s50a, type="behavior")
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, mybeh)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, cycle3)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, outdeg, name="mybeh", interaction1="mynet1")
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff,  outdeg, name="mybeh", interaction1="mynet1")
# Shorter phases 2 and 3, just for example:
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=200, seed=765, projname=NULL)
(ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, returnDeps=TRUE,
gofc <- sienaGOF(ans2, EigenvalueDistribution, varName="mynet1",
  verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE)
descriptives.sienaGOF(gofc, showAll=TRUE)

goftc <- sienaGOF(ans2, TriadCensus, varName="mynet1", verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE)
plot(goftc, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
# For this type of auxiliary statistics
# it is advisable in the plot to center and scale.
# note the keys at the x-axis; these names are given by sna::triad.census

gofgd <- sienaGOF(ans2, GeodesicDistribution, varName="mynet1",
  verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE, cumulative=FALSE)
# and without infinite distances:
gofgdd <- sienaGOF(ans2, GeodesicDistribution, varName="mynet1",
  verbose=TRUE, join=TRUE, levls=1:7, cumulative=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Function to group together several Siena data objects


Creates an object of class "sienaGroup" from a list of Siena data objects.


sienaGroupCreate(objlist, singleOK = FALSE, getDocumentation=FALSE)



List of objects of class siena.


Boolean: is it OK to only have one object?


Flag to allow documentation of internal functions, not for use by users.


This function creates a Siena group object from several Siena data objects ('groups'), all of which use networks, covariates and actor sets with the same names. The variables must correspond exactly between all data objects; the numbers of waves may differ. It can be used as data input to siena07 for the multigroup option. Also used internally for convenience with a single Siena data object.

Each covariate should either be centered in all groups, or non-centered in all groups. Centered actor covariates are re-centered at the overall mean. This means that the original values are used, and the overall mean of all non-missing observations is subtracted. Note that this implies that group-dependent variables that are constant for all actors in each group, can be used as centered actor covariates.

For combining two-wave with more-wave groups in one group object, covariates that are changing covariates for the more-wave groups have to be specified as changing covariates also for the two-wave groups. This can be done by specifying them with values for the two waves; for actor covariates this will be by using an n×2n \times 2 matrix, for dyadic covariates an n×n×2n \times n \times 2 array (or n×m×2n \times m \times 2 for the two-mode case). The values for the second wave should be identical to those for the first wave (they will be used only for centering operations).

For later use in siena07, it will often (but not always...) be helpful when creating the Siena data objects in objlist to use allowOnly=FALSE in the call of sienaDependent; see the help page for this function.

If there are multiple dependent networks, it may be necessary to run sienaDataConstraint before sienaGroupCreate to ensure that these constraints are equal for all groups.


An object of class sienaGroup; this is a list containing the input objects, with attributes:


names of the dependent variables in each set


vector of booleans, one for each dependent variable. TRUE if all occurrences of the network are symmetric.


vector of booleans, indicating whether structurally fixed values occur in this network


vector of booleans, indicating whether changes are all upwards in all the occurrences of this network


similar to previous, but for downward changes


vector of booleans, indicating whether changes are all upwards in any of the occurrences of this network


similar to previous, but for downward changes


vector of network types of the dependent variables


Total number of periods to process


Sequence of numbers of periods which are not skipped in multigroup processing


list of names of the node sets corresponding to the dependent variables


names of the constant covariates, if any


names of the changing covariates, if any


names of the constant dyadic covariates, if any


names of the changing dyadic covariates, if any


list of the names of the node sets corresponding to the constant covariates


list of the names of the node sets corresponding to the changing covariates


list of the names of the node sets corresponding to the constant dyadic covariates


list of the names of the node sets corresponding to the changing dyadic covariates


boolean: any composition change at all?


named vector of composition change options for the node sets


Either from the input objects or "Data1", "Data2" etc


"sienaGroup" inheriting from "siena"


vector of means for balance calculations


vector of difference between maximum and minimum values for behavior variables, NA for other dependent variables


matrix of maximum and minimum values for behavior variables, NA for other dependent variables


vector of similarity means for behavior variables, NA for other dependent variables


vector of booleans indicating positive variance for behavior variables. NA for other dependent variables


vector of booleans indicating whether the behavior variables take more than 2 distinct values


vector of booleans indicating positive variance for constant covariates


vector of booleans indicating whether the constant covariates take more than 2 distinct values


vector of difference between maximum and minimum values for constant covariates


matrix of maximum and minimum values for constant covariates


vector of similarity means for constant covariates


vector of means for constant covariates


vector of difference between maximum and minimum values for changing covariates


vector of similarity means for changing covariates


vector of booleans indicating whether the changing covariates take more than 2 distinct values


vector of booleans indicating positive variance for changing covariates


vector of means for changing covariates


vector of means for constant dyadic covariates


vector of ranges for constant dyadic covariates


matrix of maximum and minimum values for constant dyadic covariates


vector of ranges for changing dyadic covariates


vector of means for changing dyadic covariates


vector of booleans, one for each dependent variable, indicating the presence of any missing values


matrix of maximum and minimum values for dependent networks, NA for behavior variables


Ruth Ripley, Modification by Tom Snijders


See the Section on Multi-group Siena analysis in the manual available from

See Also

sienaDataCreate, sienaDataConstraint


Group1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
Group3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3403, HN3403), dim=c(37, 37, 2)))
Group4 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3404, HN3404), dim=c(33, 33, 2)))
Group6 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3406, HN3406), dim=c(36, 36, 2)))
# Illustration of the use of group-level variables:
# dum1 is a dummy variable for group 1,
# having constant value 1 in group 1, and constant value 0 in the other groups.
dum1.1  <- coCovar(c(rep(1,45)), warn = FALSE)
dum1.3  <- coCovar(c(rep(0,37)), warn = FALSE)
dum1.4  <- coCovar(c(rep(0,33)), warn = FALSE)
dum1.6  <- coCovar(c(rep(0,36)), warn = FALSE)
# In a similar way, dummies for the other groups can be defined.
dataset.1 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group1, dum1 = dum1.1)
dataset.3 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group3, dum1 = dum1.3)
dataset.4 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group4, dum1 = dum1.4)
dataset.6 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group6, dum1 = dum1.6)
(FourGroups <- sienaGroupCreate(list(dataset.1, dataset.3, dataset.4,
# The main effect of the group-level variable is the \code{egoX} effect:
myeff <- getEffects(FourGroups)
(myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, interaction1 = "dum1"))

Function to create a node set


Creates a Siena node set which can be used as the nodes in a Siena network.


sienaNodeSet(n, nodeSetName="Actors", names=NULL)



integer, size of set.


character string naming the node set.


optional character string vector of length n of the names of the nodes.


This function is important for data sets having more than one node set, but not otherwise.


Returns a Siena node set, an integer vector, possibly with names, plus the attributes, class equal to "sienaNodeSet", and nodeSetName equal to the argument nodeSetName.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDependent, sienaDataCreate


senders <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="senders")
receivers <- sienaNodeSet(30, nodeSetName="receivers")
senders.attribute <- coCovar(rep(1:10, each=5), nodeSet="senders")
receivers.attribute <- coCovar(rep(1:5, each=6), nodeSet="receivers")
mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501[,1:30], s502[,1:30]), dim=c(50, 30, 2)),
      nodeSet=c("senders", "receivers"))
(mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet, senders.attribute, receivers.attribute,
      nodeSets=list(senders, receivers)))

Functions to assess and account for time heterogeneity of parameters


Takes a sienaFit object estimated by Method of Moments, and tests for time heterogeneity by the addition of interactions with time dummy variables at waves m=2...(M-1). The test used is the score-type test of Schweinberger (2012).

Tests for joint significance, parameter-wise significance, period-wise significance, individual significance, and one-step estimates of the unrestricted model parameters are returned in a list.


sienaTimeTest(sienaFit, effects=NULL, excludedEffects=NULL, condition=FALSE)



A sienaFit object returned by siena07.


Optional vector of effect numbers to test. Use the numbering on the print of the sienaFit object.


Optional vector of effect numbers for which time heterogeneity is not to be tested. Use the numbering on the print of the sienaFit object.


Whether to orthogonalize effect-wise score-type tests and individual significance tests against estimated effects and un-estimated dummy terms, or just against estimated effects.


This test follows the score type test of Schweinberger (2012) as elaborated by Lospinoso et al. (2011) by using statistics already calculated at each wave to obtain vectors of partitioned moment functions corresponding to a restricted model (the model in the sienaFit object; used as null hypothesis) and an unrestricted model (which contains dummies for waves m=2...(M-1); used as alternative hypothesis).

condition=TRUE leads to a rough-and-easy approximation to controlling the mentioned tests also for the unestimated effects.

After assessing time heterogeneity, effects objects can be modified by adding numbers of all or some periods to the timeDummy column. This is facilitated by the includeTimeDummy function. For an effects object in which the timeDummy column of some of the included effects includes some or all period numbers, interactions of those effects with time dummies for the indicated periods will also be estimated.

An alternative to the use of includeTimeDummy is to define time-dependent actor covariates (dummy variables or other functions of wave number that are the same for all actors), include these in the data set through sienaAlgorithmCreate, and include interactions of other effects with ego effects of these time-dependent actor covariates by includeInteraction. This is illustrated in an example below. Using includeTimeDummy is easier; using self-defined interactions with time-dependent variables gives more control.

If you wish to use this function with sienaFit objects that use the finite differences method of derivative estimation, or which use maximum likelihood estimation, you must request the derivatives to be returned by wave using the byWave=TRUE option for siena07.

Effects leading to dummy interactions that are collinear with the model originally fitted, after excluding the effects mentioned, will be automatically excluded from the time heterogeneity testing.

If sienaTimeTest gives errors that there are too many collinear effects, run it with a smaller set of effects as specified by the effects parameter. For example, if the model has 40 effects of which the first 8 are rate parameters and therefore uninteresting, and there is such an error message, try effects=9:30; if that still does not work, decrease the upper limit of 30, if it does work increase it, to find the largest possible set of effects for which heterogeneity assessment still is possible; then as a next step try the remaining effects in a similar way.

Also if the execution is time-consuming, e.g., for a multi-group sienaFit object with many groups and many effects, it can be helpful to carry out the function in smaller subsets of effects.


sienaTimeTest returns a list containing many items, including the following:


A chi-squared test for joint significance of the dummies.


A chi-squared test for joint significance across dummies for each separate effect.


A chi-squared test for joint significance across dummies; if sienaFit is a fit for a multi-group object then these refer to each group; else they refer to ecah period.


A matrix displaying initial estimates, one-step estimates, and pp-values for the individual interactions.


Josh Lospinoso, Tom Snijders


J.A. Lospinoso, M. Schweinberger, T.A.B. Snijders, and R.M. Ripley (2011), Assessing and Accounting for Time Heterogeneity in Stochastic Actor Oriented Models. Advances in Data Analysis and Computation, 5, 147–176.

M. Schweinberger (2012), Statistical modeling of network panel data: Goodness-of-fit. British Journal of Statistical and Mathematical Psychology 65, 263–281.

See Also

siena07, plot.sienaTimeTest, includeTimeDummy


## Estimate a restricted model
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=50, projname=NULL)
# Short estimation not for practice, just for having a quick demonstration
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)

## Conduct the score-type test to assess whether heterogeneity is present.
tt <- sienaTimeTest(ans)

## Suppose that we wish to include time dummies.
## Add them in the following way:
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, recip, transTrip, timeDummy="2")
ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)

## Re-assess the time heterogeneity
(tt2 <- sienaTimeTest(ans2))

## And so on..

## A demonstration of the plotting facilities, on a larger dataset:
## (Of course pasting these identical sets of three waves after each other
##  in a sequence of six is not really meaningful. It's just a demonstration.)

myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=50, seed=654, projname=NULL)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503, s501, s503, s502),
                               dim=c(50, 50, 6)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, density, timeDummy="all")
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, recip, timeDummy="2,3,5")
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, balance, timeDummy="4")
## Not run: 
(ansp <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))
ttp <- sienaTimeTest(ansp, effects=1:4)

## Pairwise plots show
plot(ttp, pairwise=TRUE)

## Time test plots show
plot(ttp, effects=1:4, dims=c(2,2))

## End(Not run)

## Instead of working with includeTimeDummy,
## you can also define time dummies explicitly;
## this may give more control and more clarity:
dum2 <- matrix(c(0,1,0,0,0), nrow=50, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
dum3 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0), nrow=50, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
dum4 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0), nrow=50, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
dum5 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1), nrow=50, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
time2 <- varCovar(dum2)
time3 <- varCovar(dum3)
time4 <- varCovar(dum4)
time5 <- varCovar(dum5)
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, time2, time3, time4, time5)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
## corresponding to includeTimeDummy(myeff, density, timeDummy="all"):
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, interaction1='time2')
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, interaction1='time3')
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, interaction1='time4')
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, egoX, interaction1='time5')
## corresponding to myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, recip, timeDummy="2,3,5"):
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, egoX, recip, interaction1=c('time2', ''))
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, egoX, recip, interaction1=c('time3', ''))
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, egoX, recip, interaction1=c('time5', ''))
## corresponding to myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, balance, timeDummy="4"):
myeff <- includeInteraction(myeff, egoX, balance, interaction1=c('time4', ''))
## Not run: 
(anspp <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))
## anspp contains identical results as ansp above.

## End(Not run)

## A demonstration of RateX heterogeneity.
## Not run: 
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 3)))
myccov <- coCovar(s50a[,1])
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1, myccov)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, balance)
myeff <- includeTimeDummy(myeff, RateX, type="rate", interaction1="myccov")
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff))

## End(Not run)

Versions of FRAN


The functions to be called as "FRAN" by siena07. They call compiled C++. Not for general users' use.


simstats0c(z, x, data=NULL, effects=NULL, fromFiniteDiff=FALSE,
           returnDeps=FALSE, returnChains=FALSE, byWave=FALSE,
           returnDataFrame=FALSE, returnLoglik=FALSE)
maxlikec(z, x, data=NULL, effects=NULL,
           returnChains=FALSE, byGroup = FALSE, byWave=FALSE,
           returnDataFrame=FALSE, returnLoglik=FALSE,
initializeFRAN(z, x, data, effects, prevAns = NULL, initC,
           profileData = FALSE, returnDeps = FALSE, returnChains =
           FALSE, byGroup = FALSE, returnDataFrame = FALSE,
           byWave = FALSE, returnLoglik = FALSE,  onlyLoglik = FALSE)
terminateFRAN(z, x)



Control object, passed in automatically in siena07.


A sienaAlgorithm object, passed in automatically in siena07.


A sienaData object as returned by sienaDataCreate.


A sienaEffects object as returned by getEffects.


Boolean used during calculation of derivatives by finite differences. Not for user use.


Boolean. Whether to return the simulated networks in Phase 3.


Boolean. Whether to return the chains.


Boolean. Whether to return the finite difference or maximum likelihood derivatives by wave (uses a great deal of memory). Only necessary for sienaTimeTest


Boolean. For internal use: allows different thetas for each group to be used in sienaBayes.


Boolean. Whether to return the chains as lists or data frames.


Boolean. Whether to return the log likelihood of the simulated chain.


Boolean: whether to return just the likelihood for the simulated chain, plus details of steps accepted and rejected.


An object of class "sienaFit" as returned by siena07, from which scaling information (derivative matrix and standard deviation of the deviations) will be extracted along with the latest version of the parameters which will be used as the initial values, unless the model requests the use of standard initial values. If the previous model is exactly the same as the current one, Phase 1 will be omitted. If not, any parameter estimates for effects which are included in the new model will be used as initial values, but phase 1 will still be carried out. If the results used as prevAns are a reasonable starting point, this will increase the efficiency of the algorithm.


If TRUE, call is to setup the data and model in C++. For use with multiple processes only.


Boolean to force dumping of the data for profiling with sienaProfile.exe.


Not for general users' use.
The name of simstats0c or maxlikec should be used for the element FRAN of the model object, the former when using estimation by forward simulation, the latter for maximum likelihood estimation. The arguments with no defaults must be passed in on the call to siena07. initializeFRAN and terminateFRAN are called in both cases.


simstats0c returns a list containing:


Simulated statistics.


Scores with which to calculate the derivative (not phase 2 or if using finite differences or maximum likelihood).


Contributions to the derivative if finite differences


For conditional processing, time taken.


Currently set to TRUE.


Could be set to FALSE if serious error has occurred.


A list of simulation results, one for each period. Each list consists of a list for each data object, each of which consists of a list for each network, each of which consists of a list for each period, each component of which is an edgelist in matrix form (the columns are from, to, value) (or vector for behavior variables). Only if returnDeps is TRUE.

maxlikec returns a list containing:


Simulated scores.


Simulated Hessians: stored as lower triangular matrices


NULL, compatibility only


Currently set to TRUE.


Could be set to FALSE if serious error has occurred.


Simulated Hessian


NULL, for compatibility only


A list of sampled chains, one for each period. Each list consists of a list for each data object, each of which consists of a list for each network, each of which consists of a list for each period, each component of which is a list or a data frame depending on the value of returnDataFrame. Only if returnChainss is TRUE.


Number of accepted MH steps by dependent variable (permute steps are counted under first dependent variable)


Number of rejected MH steps by dependent variable (permute steps are counted under first dependent variable)


Number of aborted MH steps counted under first dependent variable.


Loglikelihood of the simulations. Only if returnLoglik is TRUE. If onlyLoglik is TRUE, only loglik, accepts,rejects and aborts are returned.

initializeFRAN and terminateFRAN return the control object z.


Ruth Ripley



See Also



mynet1 <- sienaNet(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(fn=simstats0c, nsub=2, n3=100, projname=NULL)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff,  batch=TRUE)

Summary method for Iterative Weighted Least Squares Models


summary method for objects of class "iwlsm"


## S3 method for class 'iwlsm'
summary(object, method = c("XtX", "XtWX"),
 correlation = FALSE, ...)



the fitted model. This is assumed to be the result of some fit that produces an object inheriting from the class iwlsm, in the sense that the components returned by the iwlsm function will be available.


Should the weighted (by the IWLS weights) or unweighted cross-products matrix be used?


logical. Should correlations be computed (and printed)?


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function is a method for the generic function summary() for class "iwlsm". It can be invoked by calling summary(x) for an object x of the appropriate class, or directly by calling summary.iwlsm(x) regardless of the class of the object.


If printing takes place, only a null value is returned. Otherwise, a list is returned with the following components. Printing always takes place if this function is invoked automatically as a method for the summary function.


The computed correlation coefficient matrix for the coefficients in the model.


The unscaled covariance matrix; i.e, a matrix such that multiplying it by an estimate of the error variance produces an estimated covariance matrix for the coefficients.


The scale estimate.


A scale estimate used for the standard errors.


The number of degrees of freedom for the model and for residuals.


A matrix with three columns, containing the coefficients, their standard errors and the corresponding t statistic.


The terms object used in fitting this model.


Adapted by Ruth Ripley


Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002), Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Springer. See also

See Also



## Not run: 
##not enough data here for a sensible example, but shows the idea.
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mynet2 <- sienaDependent(array(c(s502, s503), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mydata1 <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
mydata2 <- sienaDataCreate(mynet2)
myeff1 <- getEffects(mydata1)
myeff2 <- getEffects(mydata2)
myeff1 <- setEffect(myeff1, transTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff2 <- setEffect(myeff2, transTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff1 <- setEffect(myeff1, cycle3, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
myeff2 <- setEffect(myeff2, cycle3, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
ans1 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata1, effects=myeff1, batch=TRUE)
ans2 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata2, effects=myeff2, batch=TRUE)
meta <- siena08(ans1, ans2)
metadf <- split(meta$thetadf, meta$thetadf$effects)[[1]]
metalm <- iwlsm(theta ~ tconv, metadf, ses=se^2)

## End(Not run)

van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 3


Third timepoint of van de Bunt's freshman dataset.

Codes: 1 = best friendship; 2 = friendship; 3 = friendly relationship; 4 = neutral relationship; 5 = troubled relationship; 0 = unknown person.


Adjacency matrix for the "at least friendly relationship" network at time point 3.


vrnd32t3.dat from


Van de Bunt, G.G., van Duijn, M.A.J., and Snijders, T.A.B. (1999), Friendship networks through time: An actor-oriented statistical network model. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 5, 167–192.

Also see

See Also


van de Bunt's Freshman dataset, time point 4


Fourth timepoint of van de Bunt's freshman dataset.

Codes: 1 = best friendship; 2 = friendship; 3 = friendly relationship; 4 = neutral relationship; 5 = troubled relationship; 0 = unknown person.


Adjacency matrix for the "at least friendly relationship" network at time point 4.


vrnd32t4.dat from


Van de Bunt, G.G., van Duijn, M.A.J., and Snijders, T.A.B. (1999), Friendship networks through time: An actor-oriented statistical network model. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 5, 167–192.

Also see

See Also


A function to update the initial values of theta, and a function to update an effects object.


updateTheta copies the final values of any matching selected effects from a sienaFit object to a Siena effects object.
updateSpecification includes in a Siena effects object a set of effects that are included in another effects object.


updateTheta(effects, prevAns, varName=NULL)
updateSpecification(, effects.from,
                          effects.extra=NULL,, name.from=NULL)



Object of class sienaEffects.


Object of class sienaFit as returned by siena07.


Character string or vector of character strings; is this is not NULL, the update will only applied to this dependent variable / these dependent variables.

Object of class sienaEffects.


Object of class sienaEffects.


Object of class sienaEffects.

Character string, name of dependent variable in


Character string, name of dependent variable in object.from.


The initial values of any selected effects in the input effects object which match an effect estimated in prevAns will be updated by updateTheta. If the previous run was conditional, the estimated rate parameters for the dependent variable on which the run was conditioned are added to the final value of theta. If varName is not NULL, this update is restricted to effects for the dependent variable/s specified by varName.
By updateSpecification, the effects included in effects.from are also included in; if and/or name.from is specified, this is restricted to effects for those dependent variables.
If effects.from contains interaction effects, the corresponding main effects will be looked for in effects.from; if they are not found there, they will be looked for in effects.extra. It is not guaranteed that this will be successful. For effects.extra, it is best to use an effects object constructed for the same data set as effects.from, and by the same version of RSiena.


Updated effects object.


Using updateTheta explicitly before calling siena07 rather than using it via the argument prevAns of siena07 will not permit the use of the previous derivative matrix. In most cases, using siena07 with prevAns will be more efficient.


Ruth Ripley, Tom A.B. Snijders



See Also

siena07, getEffects


## For updateTheta:
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff1 <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff1 <- includeEffects(myeff1, transTrip)
myeff1 <- includeInteraction(myeff1, recip, inPop)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=100, projname=NULL)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff1, batch=TRUE)
(myeff <- updateTheta(myeff1, ans))
## For updateSpecification:
myeff2 <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff2 <- includeEffects(myeff2, outAct)
updateSpecification(myeff2, myeff1)

Function to create a changing covariate object.


This function creates a changing covariate object from a matrix.


varCovar(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSet="Actors",  warn=TRUE,



Matrix of covariate values, one row for each actor, one column for each period.


Boolean: if TRUE, then the overall mean value is subtracted.


Character string containing the name of the associated node set. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must be specified in all data objects.


Logical: is a warning given if all values are NA, or all non-missing values are the same.


Matrix of covariate values of same dimensions as vala, to be used for imputation of NA values (if any) in val. Must not contain any NA.


When part of a Siena data object, the covariate is assumed to be associated with node set nodeSet of the Siena data object. In practice, the node set needs to be specified only in the case of the use of the covariate with a two-mode network.
If there are any NA values in val, and imputationValues is given, then the corresponding elements of imputationValues are used for imputation. If imputationValues is NULL, imputation is by the overall mean value. In both cases, cases with imputed values are not used for calculating target statistics (see the manual).
The value of the changing covariate for wave m is supposed in the simulations to be valid in the whole period from wave m to wave m+1. If the data set has M waves, this means that the values, if any, for wave M will not be used. Therefore, the number of columns can be M or M-1; if the former, the values in the last column will not be used.


Returns the covariate as an object of class "varCovar", in which form it can be used as an argument to sienaDataCreate.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDataCreate, coCovar, coDyadCovar, varDyadCovar, sienaNodeSet


myvarCovar <- varCovar(s50a)
senders <- sienaNodeSet(50, nodeSetName="senders")
receivers <- sienaNodeSet(30, nodeSetName="receivers")
senders.covariate <- varCovar(s50a, nodeSet="senders")
receivers.covariate <- varCovar(s50s[1:30,], nodeSet="receivers")

Function to create a changing dyadic covariate object.


This function creates a changing dyadic covariate object from an array.


varDyadCovar(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSets=c("Actors", "Actors"),
     warn=TRUE, sparse=is.list(val), type=c("oneMode", "bipartite"))



Array of covariate values, third dimension is the time. Alternatively, a list of sparse matrices of type "TsparseMatrix".


Boolean: if TRUE, then the overall mean value is subtracted.


Names (character string) of the associated node sets. If the entire data set contains more than one node set, then the node sets must be specified in all data objects.


Logical: is a warning given if, for non-sparse input, all values are NA, or all non-missing values are the same.


Boolean: whether sparse matrices or not.


oneMode or bipartite: whether the matrix refers to a one-mode or a bipartite (two-mode) network.


When part of a Siena data object, the covariate is assumed to be associated with the node sets named NodeSets of the Siena data object. The names of the associated node sets will only be checked when the Siena data object is created. In practice, the node set needs to be specified only in the case of the use of the covariate with a two-mode network.
The value of the changing covariate for wave m is supposed in the simulations to be valid in the whole period from wave m to wave m+1. If the data set has M waves, this means that the values, if any, for wave M will not be used. Therefore, the number of columns can be M or M-1; if the former, the values in the last column will not be used.


Returns the covariate as an object of class "varDyadCovar", in which form it can be used as an argument to SienaDataCreate.


Ruth Ripley



See Also

sienaDataCreate, coDyadCovar, coCovar, varCovar, sienaNodeSet


mydyadvar <- varDyadCovar(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))

Wald and score tests for RSiena results


These functions test parameters in RSiena results estimated by siena07. Tests can be Wald-type (if the parameters were estimated) or score-type tests (if the parameters were fixed and tested).


Wald.RSiena(A, ans)

Multipar.RSiena(ans, ...)

score.Test(ans, test=ans$test)

testSame.RSiena(ans, e1, e2)



A k * p matrix, where p = ans$pp, the number of parameters in ans excluding the basic rate parameters used for conditional estimation.


An object of class sienaFit, resulting from a call to siena07.


One or more integer numbers between 1 and p, specifying the tested effects (numbered as in print(ans); if conditional estimation was used, numbered as the 'Other parameters').


One or more integer numbers between 1 and p, or a logical vector of length p; these should specify the tested effects (numbered as described for the ...).

e1, e2

Each an integer number between 1 and p, or a vector of such numbers; the hypothesis tested is that the parameters for effects with number/s e1 are equal to those in e2.


Wald.RSiena produces a Wald-type test, applicable to estimated parameters. Multipar.RSiena and testSame.RSiena are special cases of Wald.RSiena. The hypothesis tested by Wald.RSiena is Aθ=0A\theta = 0, where θ\theta is the parameter estimated in the process leading to ans.

The hypothesis tested by Multipar.RSiena is that all parameters given in \ldots are 0.

The hypothesis tested by testSame.RSiena is that all parameters given in e1 are equal to those in e2.

score.Test produces a score-type test. The tested effects for score.Test should have been specified in includeEffects or setEffect with fix=TRUE, test=TRUE, i.e., they should not have been estimated. The hypothesis tested by score.Test is that the tested parameters have the value indicated in the effects object used for obtaining ans.

These tests should be carried out only when convergence is adequate (overall maximum convergence ratio less than 0.25 and all t-ratios for convergence less than 0.1 in absolute value).

These functions have their own print method, see print.sienaTest.


An object of class sienaTest, which is a list with elements:


The test statistic, assumed to have a chi-squared null distribution.


The degrees of freedom.


The associated p-value.


For df=1, the onesided test statistic.


For Multipar.RSiena and score.Test, the names of the tested effects.


Tom Snijders


See the manual and

M. Schweinberger (2012). Statistical modeling of network panel data: Goodness-of-fit. British Journal of Statistical and Mathematical Psychology 65, 263–281.

See Also

siena07, print.sienaTest


mynet <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501, s502), dim=c(50, 50, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=1, n3=40, seed=1777, projname=NULL)
# nsub=1 and n3=40 is used here for having a brief computation,
# not for practice.
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip, transTies)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, outAct, outPop, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
(ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE))
A <- matrix(0, 2, 6)
A[1, 3] <- 1
A[2, 4] <- 1
wa <- Wald.RSiena(A, ans)
# A shortcut for the above is:
Multipar.RSiena(ans, 3, 4)
# The following two are equivalent:
sct <- score.Test(ans, c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
sct <- score.Test(ans,6)
# Getting all 1-df score tests separately:
for (i in which(ans$test)){
   sct <- score.Test(ans,i)
# Testing that endowment and creation effects are identical:
myeff1 <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff1 <- includeEffects(myeff1, recip, include=FALSE)
myeff1 <- includeEffects(myeff1, recip, type='creation')
(myeff1 <- includeEffects(myeff1, recip, type='endow'))
(ans1 <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff1, batch=TRUE))
testSame.RSiena(ans1, 2, 3)

Access xtable in package xtable


Dummy function to allow access to xtable in package xtable


xtable(x, ...)



sienaFit object


Other arguments for xtable.sienaFit


Value returned from xtable.sienaFit


Ruth Ripley


See Also



## The function is currently defined as
function (x, ...)
    xtable::xtable(x, ...)
## Not run: 
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=2, n3=100)
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)
xtable(ans, type="html", file="ans.html")
## End(Not run)